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Ratable Accrual Method

Ratable Accrual Method

What Is the Ratable Accrual Method?

The ratable accrual method is a formula for deciding how much interest income was earned on an investment throughout some stretch of time and when inside the period it was earned. It considers income it's accrued as opposed to paid and is fundamentally utilized for deciding taxes owed on interest income.

Grasping the Ratable Accrual Method

In this sense, "ratable" means proportional. The investor is deciding the amount they received of the total interest earned on the investment, and how much is owed in taxes on that profit.

The ratable accrual method can be utilized, for instance, to find the accrued market discount of a bond traded in the secondary bond market, or to decide the property taxes owed on real estate that is held more than several tax periods.

It utilizes a simple calculation. On account of bonds, the market discount is separated by the number of days from the bond's maturity date minus the purchase date, increased by the number of days the investor really held the bond.

The ratable accrual method as a rule brings about a greater accrual of a discount than the alternative method for deciding accrued market discount, the constant yield method.

This method is approved by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for use in deciding interest earned on taxable bonds. IRS Publication 538 frameworks all of the permissible accounting methods.

Instances of the Ratable Accrual Method

Model 1: Say you bought a $20,000 bond at a discount for $18,000 with 400 days until its expiration date. Then, you sold the bond 300 days after the fact for $19,500. To figure the interest income, you would duplicate the portion of the days you held the bond by the increase in its value.

  • Days bond held [300/400] = 0.75
  • Bond value at sale [$19,500-$18,000] = $1,500
  • Taxable interest income [0.75 x $1,500] = $1,125

Model 2: Say you are paid $1,500 in interest income each quarter with the next payment due on February 28. That means $500 each month for December, January, and February.

Under the ratable accrual method, the interest income accrued for December, $500, would need to be remembered for the taxes for that year, and the leftover $1,000 would be included in next year's taxes. In this model, the income is considered it accumulates rather than when it's paid.


  • The ratable accrual method can be used to find the accrued market discount of a bond traded in the secondary bond market or to decide the property taxes owed on real estate.
  • It is principally utilized for deciding taxes owed on interest income.
  • The ratable accrual method is a formula for deciding income on investments as it's accrued instead of paid.