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Aggregate Extension Clause (AEC)

Aggregate Extension Clause (AEC)

Aggregate Extension Clause (AEC): An Overview

An aggregate extension clause (AEC) in a reinsurance contract permits a single claim for various small losses of a comparative sort. The clause generally covers reimbursement of a specific category of losses that surpass a stated amount.

For instance, say a glass manufacturer gauges its annual losses due to breakage as 1% of total factory production, or $1,000 every year. The aggregate extension clause would repay losses due to breakage that surpass $1,000. The business isn't required to document each example of breakage.

Grasping the Aggregate Extension Clause (AEC)

An aggregate extension clause might be utilized to cover any known risk that can be expected to oftentimes happen. Every individual episode is monetarily unimportant, yet together add up. The utilization of such clauses originally appeared in the London reinsurance market as soon as the 1940s.

Documenting every minor episode would be lumbering on the off chance that certainly feasible. All things considered, a business would budget for anticipated losses and insurance might be looked to cover risk at an unanticipated level. The aggregate extension clause gauges the frequency of occurrence for low-influence occasions inside a set time period and aggregates them to show up at a dollar amount for reinsurance.

Insurance and Reinsurance

Insurance companies protect their own risks by buying reinsurance policies. Such agreements are likewise called reinsurance deals. A specific type of reinsurance treaty called a excess of loss reinsurance treaty safeguards against the risk that an insurer should bear the costs of losses that are undeniably more serious than anticipated.

At the point when an aggregate extension clause is stated in a reinsurance policy, the underlying insurance policy will carry similar terms, utilizing a similar standard language.

Utilization of AEC with Excess of Loss Reinsurance

Excess of loss reinsurance gives coverage to individual losses surpassing a specific loss retention amount. Losses below the loss retention amount are the responsibility of the ceding company or the company that bought the excess loss reinsurance. Notwithstanding, losses over the retention amount are the responsibility of the reinsurer. The reinsurer limits its risk with covers written into the contract at a specific limit.

Reinsurance companies furnish insurance companies with protection from excess losses.

Excess of loss reinsurance settlements function admirably when the underlying insurance contract deals with losses on a per-occurrence basis. At the point when the underlying insurance contract deals with losses in aggregate, excess of loss reinsurance arrangements can run into issues.

Reinsurance is intended to give coverage to losses over the ceding company's retention on a for every occurrence basis. Reinsuring against aggregate losses is muddled, as the per occurrence loss is ordinarily lower than the ceding company's retention level. The reinsurance contract might add an aggregate extensions clause (AEC) to deal with losses in aggregate.

Illustration of Aggregate Extension Clause

A manufacturer produces a huge number of boxes of frozen dinners every year. Every feast created conveys a small liability risk on the grounds that the bundling can get damaged, delivering the product unsaleable.

The manufacturer purchases a product liability policy to safeguard against likely losses. The liability policy shields the manufacturer from losses over a specific limit on an aggregate basis instead of on a for each occurrence basis.

The underwriter to the liability policy, thusly, purchases an excess of loss reinsurance policy with an aggregate extension clause to safeguard itself from paying the manufacturer on the off chance that the amount of claims surpasses the underlying policy's retention limit.


  • The aggregate extension clause generally considers reimbursement of losses that surpass a specific amount.
  • It is regularly utilized for reinsurance of a business that has distinguished a specific known risk of damage or loss.
  • An aggregate extension clause considers reimbursement of a single claim for losses that were brought about by a number of comparable incidents.