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Aging Schedule

Aging Schedule

What Is an Aging Schedule?

An aging schedule is an accounting table that shows a company's accounts receivables, requested by their due dates. Frequently made by accounting software, an aging schedule can assist a company with checking whether its customers are paying on time. It's a breakdown of receivables by the age of the outstanding invoice, alongside the customer name and amount due.

How an Aging Schedule Works

An aging schedule frequently arranges accounts as current (under 30 days), 1-30 days past due, 30-60 days past due, 60-90 days past due, and over 90 days past due. Companies can utilize aging schedules to see which bills are overdue and which customers it necessities to send payment suggestions to or on the other hand, on the off chance that they are too a long ways behind, ship off collections. A company needs however many of its accounts to be pretty much as current as could reasonably be expected in light of the fact that the more extended the account is delinquent, the likelier it will be it won't ever be paid, leading to a loss.

Here is an illustration of an aging schedule:

Aging Schedule Example
CustomerTotal DueCurrent (under 30 days)1-30 days past due31-60 days61-90 daysOver 90 days
ABC Inc.$10,000$8,000$2,000   
XYZ Company$7,000  $3,000$3,000$1,000
Land Co.$2,500$2,000 $500  
Total $19,500$10,000$2,000$3,500$3,000$1,000
A company might experience financial distress on the off chance that it has a huge number of past-due accounts. It might have to borrow money to remain above water in view of the unpaid accounts. That will influence the company's main concern even further in light of the fact that it will be responsible for paying interest on the money it borrows. Consistently a payment is overdue will affect a company's financial position, and each account that is late multiples that impact.

The more drawn out past due an account goes the more doubtful it is that payment will be received. Aging schedules permit companies to keep steady over A/R in order to restrict doubtful accounts.

Benefits of Aging Schedules

Aging schedules are frequently utilized by managers and analysts to survey a business' operational and financial performance. They are particularly useful for working capital management. Aging schedules can assist companies with foreseeing their cash flow by arranging pending liabilities by the due date from earliest to latest and by grouping anticipated income by the number of days since invoices were conveyed.

Cash flow is important to a business on the grounds that numerous businesses fail due to negative cash flow. That is the reason tracking the cash flow is an essential element of keeping a sound and effective business. Other than their internal purposes, aging schedules may likewise be utilized by creditors in assessing whether to loan a company money.

Furthermore, auditors may utilize aging schedules in assessing the value of a company's receivables. On the off chance that similar customers over and over appear as past due in an accounts receivable aging schedule, the company might have to rethink whether to continue working with them. An accounts receivable aging schedule can likewise be utilized to estimate the dollar amount or percentage of receivables that are presumably not able to be collected. That can permit a business to be proactive rather than responsive.

By knowing the percentage of receivables that may be uncollectible, the business can search for answers for their cash-flow issue before the problem twistings wild. For certain industries, for example, retail or manufacturing, aging schedules can play a huge part in setting credit standards. In the event that a company sees it generally dislikes a large number of delinquent accounts, it might see increasing its expectations with regards to a customer's credit score.


  • Aging schedules are accounting tables companies use to see whether payments are being made or received in an opportune fashion.
  • These schedules can be modified to incorporate anything that time period the company needs to follow, however commonly incorporate under 30 days, 1-30 days past due, 30-60 days past due, and over 90 days past due.
  • Utilizing aging schedules can assist companies with spotting cash flow problems before they become an even greater issue.
  • Aging schedules can assist companies with spotting problems with their credit policies.