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Accessible Seat Miles (ASM)

Available Seat Miles (ASM)

What Is Available Seat Miles (ASM)

Accessible seat miles (ASM) is a measure of an airplane's carrying capacity accessible to create revenues. Accessible seat miles alludes to the number of seat miles are really accessible for purchase on an airline. Seat miles are calculated by increasing the number of miles that a given airplane will be flying by the number of seats accessible for a given flight.

Figuring out Available Seat Miles (ASM)

ASM is basically a measure of a flight's revenue-generating capacities in view of traffic. For [investors](/financial backer) dissecting airlines, ASM is a vital measurement in concluding which airlines are best at generating revenues from the availability of seats to customers. In the event that the seats on the plane are all not sold, the ASM of the airline is operating at below capacity.

Long cases of inaccessible seats on an airline can cost an airline million of dollars.

How Available Seat Miles Statistics Are Used

Otherwise called accessible seat kilometers in certain markets, this measurement is utilized via airlines and statistics managers due to the variances in aircraft and their seating arrangements. The measurement can measure the performance of individual airlines as well as the commercial airline industry as a whole. The Bureau of Transportation Statistics, for example, keeps a running month to month and annual record of domestic, international, and total accessible seat miles for all carriers and airports.

ASM all alone probably won't give the full image of an air carrier's financial performance. While the measurement addresses the capacity and occupancy of aircraft, revenue passenger miles and [revenue per accessible seat miles](/revenue-per-accessible seat-mile-rasm) are alternate ways of working out the money produced by flights. This might be compared against the cost per accessible seat mile to decide the profitability of each flight.

Few out of every odd seat on a plane that is occupied produces revenue for the carrier. Seats utilized by an airline's staff, for instance, to interface with a flight team they will work with, are non-revenue passengers. Certain types of standby passengers could likewise possess seats, yet not create revenue for the airline. Airlines might have to ship non-revenue passengers out the necessity to move flight groups around or to satisfy obligations to passengers who have been guaranteed entry on the carrier. How airlines balance such non-revenue passengers against its seats occupied by paying customers can straightforwardly influence the profitability of each flight.

Pricing of seats and capacity of the aircraft all factor into figuring out the strength of a carrier; in any case, such components as the costs of fuel, maintenance, and different resources are expected to additionally show the airline's performance.


  • Seat miles are calculated by duplicating the accessible seats for a given plane by the number of miles that plane will be flying for a given flight.
  • The carrying capacity of an airplane accessible to make revenues is measured as accessible seat miles.
  • For investors breaking down airlines, the measure of an airline's ASM is an important data point to consider.
  • There are different metrics used to compute the cash produced via airlines, including revenue passenger miles and revenue per accessible seat miles.