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Bond Insurance

Bond Insurance

What Is Bond Insurance?

Bond insurance is a type of insurance policy that a bond issuer purchases that guarantees the repayment of the principal and all associated interest payments to the bondholders in the event of default. Bond issuers will buy this type of insurance to improve their credit rating to reduce the amount of interest that it needs to pay and make the bonds more alluring to possible investors.

Bond insurance is in some cases otherwise called financial guaranty insurance.

Grasping Bond Insurance

The rating of a debt instrument considers the creditworthiness of the issuer. The riskier an issuer is considered to be, the lower its credit rating and, accordingly, the higher the yield that investors anticipate from investing in the debt security. Such issuers are confronted with a higher cost of borrowing than companies that are estimated to be stable and safer. To get a better rating and to draw in additional investors to a bond issue, companies might go through a credit enhancement.

Credit enhancement is a method taken by a borrower to work on its debt or creditworthiness to get better terms for its debt. One method that might be assumed to upgrade praise is bond insurance, which generally brings about the rating of the insured security being the higher of the cases paying rating of the insurer and the rating the bond would have without insurance, otherwise called the underlying rating.

Bond insurance is a type of insurance purchased by a bond issuer to guarantee the repayment of the principal and all associated scheduled interest payments to the bondholders in the event of default. The insurance company considers the risk of the issuer to decide the premium that would be paid to the insurer as compensation.

In 2020, the biggest bond insurers included Assured Guaranty, trailed by Build America Mutual, MBIA, Ambac, and Syncora Guarantee.

Different Considerations

Bond insurers generally protect just securities that have underlying ratings in the investment-grade category, with un-improved credit ratings going from BBB to AAA. When bond insurance has been purchased, the issuer's bond rating will as of now not be applicable and on second thought, the bond insurer's credit rating will be applied to the bond rather by notching it higher.

By design, bondholders shouldn't experience too much disruption in the event that the issuer of a bond in their portfolio goes into default. The insurer ought to naturally take up the liability and make any principal and interest payments owed on the issue going ahead.

Bond insurance commonly is acquired related to another issue of municipal securities. Furthermore, bond insurance can be applied to infrastructure bonds, for example, those issued to finance public-private partnerships, non-U.S. regulated utilities, and asset-backed securities (ABS).


  • Issuers of bonds that purchase this type of insurance can receive a higher credit rating on those bonds thus, making them more alluring to certain investors.
  • Bond insurance shields bondholders from default by the issuer by guaranteeing repayment of principal and now and again interest.
  • Bond insurance is generally usually seen among municipal bonds and asset-backed securities.