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Batch Header Record

Batch Header Record

What Is a Batch Header Record?

A batch header record is a standard piece of meta-data in regards to the transfer of a group of data (a batch), as a rule inside the banking field. The batch header record contains distinguishes the beginning of a transaction and sums up the debits and credits included which is significant for the fruitful processing of the batch. This is a key part of batch processing.

Albeit the batch header record is transcendently utilized in banking transactions, it is additionally utilized in other important transfers, for example, between organizations, offices, and clinics.

How Batch Header Records Work

In banking, the batch header record is utilized in the automated clearing house (ACH), which is a batch-situated electronic funds transfer system. To start, the transaction is given a file header record to recognize the beginning and qualities of the file. This is followed by a number of batches, each with its own batch header record. When combined with the entry detail records, the batch header record completely depicts the transaction.

Each batch likewise contains entry detail records, each of which can be followed by at least one addenda records, as the need should arise or as required by the SEC code being utilized.

Batch processing is the processing of transactions in a group or batch. No client cooperation is required once batch processing is in progress. This separates batch processing from transaction processing, which includes processing transactions each in turn and requires client cooperation.

While batch processing can be carried out whenever, it is especially fit to end-of-cycle processing, for example, for processing a bank's reports toward the finish of a day or generating month to month or biweekly payrolls.

Data Included in the Batch Header Record

Normally, a batch header record starts with a record type code, a mathematical code that demonstrates that the record is a batch header record. The batch header record additionally recognizes the company or organization from which the batch to follow originated. It will likewise distinguish the purpose of the sections found in the batch. For instance, an originator could incorporate a code like "Salary" or "Electric Bill" in the batch header code to show the purpose of the transactions to be portrayed in the batch passages.

The batch header code will additionally demonstrate the effective entry date of all transactions remembered for the batch. This data applies to all the entry detail records in the batch.

Assuming the originator wishes to shift or change any of the effective entry date or purpose data, they need to make another batch to group that data under the batch header record. For instance, if an originator needs to handle payments for both normal salary and employee bonuses, they need to make two batches with two batch header records, one for "Finance" and one for "Bonuses." The data remembered for the batch header record is essential to the efficient and accurate processing of the batch.

Herman Hollerith (1860-1929) is credited with fostering the punch card around 1890 when he was employed as an analyst for the U.S. Census Bureau. It was this punch card that turned into the seed for far reaching batch processing around 50 years after the fact.


  • In banking, several transactions are much of the time packaged together in a batch for more efficient processing and clearing.
  • The batch header record is the data and meta-data in regards to a specific batch of transactions, utilized in ACH clearing.
  • Batches might be marked in the header record for such purposes as salaries or accounts payable.