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Concentration Account

Concentration Account

What Is a Concentration Account?

A concentration account is a deposit account used to aggregate funds from several areas into one centralized account. Institutions use concentration accounts to process and settle internal bank transactions, frequently with same-day settlement.

Understanding a Concentration Account

The planned goal of concentration accounts is to make cash management for customers simple and efficient, permitting them to move funds starting with one account then onto the next relying upon their business needs. Having a centrally found account considers the quick disbursement of funds on a case by case basis.

Banks might utilize concentration accounts for fund transfers, private banking transactions, trust and custody accounts, and international transactions. Fund transfers generally happen among checking accounts and savings accounts or from savings to a individual retirement account (IRA); be that as it may, these can happen on a larger scale than individual retail transfers.

Concentration accounts are very beneficial when a few accounts need to keep up with least balances. On the off chance that these accounts fall below their requirement threshold, the funds in a concentration account can quickly be moved to the account with a shortfall and consequently fulfilling the base requirement and staying away from exorbitant penalty fees.

The reverse function of cash management is additionally an advantage of concentration accounts. Certain clients wish to have a zero finish of day balance in an account for various reasons, principally earned interest, thus sweep accounts by the day's end, moving funds back to the concentration account or another account that procures higher interest.

Concentration Accounts and Money Laundering

Money laundering is the method involved with disguising the movement of large measures of money, acquired from crime, for example, dealing unlawful substances or psychological militant undertakings. Organized lawbreakers realize that dealing in cash is exceptionally inefficient and dangerous. Money laundering makes the appearance that these funds originated from a genuine source.

U.S. specialists vigorously examine concentration accounts due to the possibility of money laundering in these vessels. For instance, it very well might be challenging to trace the money trail in the event that funds are being collected in one central source, yet client explicit data is separate. In concentration accounts, transactions from numerous customers might be gathered together. The United States Patriot Act expects banks to lay out clear policies for recognizing and reporting suspicious transactions. It additionally precludes customers from moving their own funds into, out of, or through the concentration accounts.

Money laundering generally has three stages: placement, layering, and integration. Placement alludes to the act of introducing "filthy money" (or money acquired by criminal means) into the financial system. Layering is the act of hiding the source of these funds through complex transactions and bookkeeping stunts. Integration includes securing put monies through genuine means.


  • Concentration accounts are helpful for accounts that need to keep up with least balances or for sweeping accounts toward the finish of the business day.
  • The U.S. Patriot Act laid out certain banking rules to obstruct unlawful activity in concentration accounts.
  • The primary purpose of a concentration account is for cash management that considers a simple and efficient movement of cash across different funds.
  • Money laundering might be worked with using concentration accounts through the ability of quickly moving funds around.
  • A concentration account is a deposit account at a bank used to aggregate funds from different accounts into one centralized account.