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Current Market Value (CMV)

Current Market Value (CMV)

What Is Current Market Value (CMV)?

Inside finance, the current market value (CMV) is the estimated current resale value for a financial instrument. Just likewise with some other object of value, the current market value offers interested parties a price for which they can go into a transaction. The current market value is normally taken as the closing price for listed securities or the bid price offered for over-the-counter (OTC) securities.

Understanding Current Market Value (CMV)

Current market value is generally closely connected with market or financial instrument liquidity. An asset's liquidity alludes to the straightforwardness with which that asset's owner can change it from an investment over completely to cash. An owner of a liquid asset will actually want to change over it effectively to cash and will receive a value for the asset equivalent to or extremely close to the current market value.

In theory, markets or assets that appreciate "high" liquidity are accepted to offer reliable price gauges. That is, an investor can go into a transaction with a fair amount of certainty an advertised price will be close to the last or closing price of a transaction.

Current Market Value (CMV) and Margin Investing

Margin investing is a unique case for the utilization of a current market value measure. In a margin account, an investor basically takes part in claiming securities purchased at a total cost greater than the amount of cash in their account. The investor acquires the excess cash required from their brokerage firm to fund the remainder of the purchase.

Due to this leveraged purchase situation, the brokerage firm periodically values the assets in the investor's brokerage account. The firm purposes the current market value as the normalized price to follow the change in the value of the investor's assets. On the off chance that the total account value falls below the required margin amount, the brokerage will require the investor to add cash to the account or to liquidate some or all securities into cash. This is known as a margin call and implies one of the dangers of trading on margin.

Current Market Value (CMV) in Real Estate

Assets on markets that are liquid will have reliable and realistic current market values, which energizes commerce and financial activity. In illiquid markets, be that as it may, current market values can stray physically from real prices parties will execute at.

For instance, somebody selling a home could think the current market value for their house is close to an appraisal of adjoining comparables or "comps." In order to show up at a value for a home, real estate appraisers regularly [review sales data](/sales-correlation approach) of as of late sold homes that are comparable to the one being appraised. They take a gander at sales of homes in similar neighborhood with similar rough size and qualities of the property they are esteeming.

The seller may then put a price on their property in light of these comps. Be that as it may, real estate is a non-liquid asset, meaning it isn't effectively switched over completely to cash. The seller's home could sell right away or it could require a very long time to sell or it probably won't sell by any means. Various factors could impact the seller's ability to switch the home over completely to cash, for example, a lack of expected purchasers, an increase in interest rates that make homebuying more expensive, or a downturn in the economy. These could put into question the listed current market value of the home.


  • Brokerage firms utilize the current market value of an asset to decide whether an investor's brokerage account has fallen below the required margin amount, which could then bring about a margin call.
  • Current market value is connected with an asset's liquidity, which is the simplicity of which an asset can be changed over from an investment into cash.
  • For non-liquid assets, for example, real estate, the current market value can stray from the genuine price the purchasers and sellers will consider to complete the transaction.
  • The current market value (CMV) gives parties interested in making a transaction the estimated current resale value for a financial instrument or asset.