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Average Down

Average Down

What Is Average Down?

Averaging down is a investing strategy that includes a stock owner purchasing extra shares of a formerly initiated investment after the price has dropped. The consequence of this subsequent purchase is a lessening in the average price at which the investor purchased the stock. It could be appeared differently in relation to averaging up.

For instance, an investor who bought 100 shares of a stock at $50 per share could purchase 100 extra shares in the event that the price of the stock came to $40 per share, consequently bringing their average price (or cost basis) down to $45 per share. A few financial advisors urge investors to embrace averaging down with stocks or funds they plan to buy and hold or as part of a dollar-cost averaging (DCA) strategy.

Figuring out the Average Down Strategy

The primary thought behind the strategy of averaging down is that when prices rise they don't need to rise as far for the investor to start showing a profit on their position.

Think about that assuming that an investor purchased 100 shares of stock at $60 per share, and the stock dropped to $40 per share in price, the investor needs to trust that the stock will advance back up from a 33% drop in price. Nonetheless, measuring from the new price of $40, it's anything but a 33% rise. The stock must now increase by half before the position will show a profit (from 40 to 60).

Averaging down helps address this mathematical reality. On the off chance that the investor purchases 100 extra shares of stock at $40 per share, presently the price must just rise to $50 (just 25% higher) before the position is profitable. Should the stock return to its original price and move higher from there on, the investor will start by seeing a 16% profit once the stock hits $60.

In spite of the fact that averaging down offers a few parts of a strategy, it is fragmented. Averaging down is actually an action that comes more from a state of psyche than from a sound investment strategy. Averaging down permits an investor to cope with different cognitive or emotional predispositions. It acts more as a security blanket than a rational policy.

Special Considerations

The problem with averaging down is that the average investor has next to no ability to recognize a transitory drop in price and a warning signal that prices are going to go a lot of lower.

While there might be unnoticed intrinsic value, buying extra shares essentially to below average cost of ownership may not be a valid justification to increase the percentage of the investor's portfolio presented to the price action of that one stock. Defenders of the technique view averaging down as a cost-compelling approach to wealth gathering; rivals view it as a catastrophe waiting to happen.

This strategy is frequently preferred by investors who have a long-term investment horizon and a value-driven approach to investing. Investors that follow carefully developed models they trust could find that adding exposure to a stock that is undervalued, utilizing careful risk-management techniques, can address a beneficial opportunity after some time.

Numerous professional investors who follow value-situated strategies, including Warren Buffett, have effectively utilized averaging down as part of a bigger strategy carefully executed over the long haul.


  • This technique can be valuable when carefully applied with different parts of a sound investing strategy.
  • Averaging down is an investment strategy that includes adding to an existing position when its price drops.
  • Adding more to a position, nonetheless, increases overall risk exposure and unpracticed investors will most likely be unable to differentiate between a value and a warning sign when share prices drop.