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Delivered Ex Ship (DES)

Delivered Ex Ship (DES)

What Is Delivered Ex-Ship (DES)?

Delivered ex-ship (DES) was a trade term that required a seller to deliver goods to a buyer at an agreed port of appearance. The seller assumed the full cost and risk implied in getting the goods to that point. After appearance, the seller was considered to have met its obligation and the buyer assumed every resulting cost and risks.

This term applied to both inland and sea shipping and frequently in charter shipping. It expired effective 2011.

Figuring out Delivered Ex-Ship (DES)

Policies including international transportation frequently contain abbreviated trade terms that describe subtleties like the general setting of delivery, payment, when the risk of loss shifts from the seller to the buyer, and who pays for the costs of freight and insurance. DES was just one kind of such an international trade contract.

DES was a legal term, and the exact definition contrasted fairly by country. Ordinarily, however, the seller stayed responsible for products until delivery. It bore the costs and risks that accompany carrying goods to port. The seller had total responsibility for shipping, and it must pay the shipping company and purchase insurance for the goods.

The seller's obligation ended when it delivered the merchandise to the agreed-upon port, on board the ship, and not yet cleared for import. Buyers were responsible for all costs to receive and empty the goods, and to clear them through customs.

International Commercial Terms (Incoterms)

The most normally referred to trade terms are known as "incoterms," short for "international commercial terms." The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) distributes them, intending to foster global trade and commerce. ICC advances and safeguards open markets for goods and services.

Incoterms are in many cases indistinguishable in form to domestic terms, for example, the American Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), yet they have various implications. Gatherings to a contract must expressly show the overseeing law of their terms subsequently.

Delivered ex-quay is another now-discontinued Incoterm. It determined that the seller must ship the goods to the wharf or quay at the destination port (DES didn't cover wharves). Delivered ex-quay could note a duty as either paid or unpaid. The seller was committed to cover costs, similar to duties, in the event that it paid, and was responsible for giving the merchandise. If unpaid, those obligations and obligations shift to the buyer.

Replacements for Delivered Ex-Ship

Delivered ex-ship (DES) was replaced in 2011 by two new terms: delivered at terminal (DAT) and delivered at place (DAP).

DAP involves that the seller is responsible just for the bundling costs of the goods, arrangement of the cargo for guaranteeing that the goods show up securely to the point of delivery or last destination on time. DAT specifies that the seller accepts all transport costs until after the goods are delivered and dumped at the specific delivery terminal. Likewise, the seller additionally takes care of export goods clearance.

Delivered ex-ship likewise contrasted from Ex Works (EXW), another international trade term. In this kind of agreement, the seller makes a product accessible at a designated location, and the buyer of the product must cover the vehicle costs. The seller must make the goods accessible for pickup at its place of business in Ex Works. All costs and risks of transportation are taken on by the buyer from that point.

Examples of Delivered Ex-Ship

Seller X ships contracted goods to a wharf and port in Kennebunkport, Maine. Halfway there, the ship experiences a tempest and sinks. Seller X retains the loss on the grounds that the shipment has not yet shown up in port.

On the other hand, Seller X's shipment makes it securely to Kennebunkport. The tempest hits while the ship is moored after the point when Buyer Y has contractually claimed the products. The ship sinks in port. Buyer Y assimilates the loss since it has accepted delivery, even however the goods have not yet left the ship.


  • Delivered ex-ship (DES) was an Incoterm (an international commercial term) that applied to both inland and sea shipping and frequently in charter shipping.
  • DES stipulated that a seller needed to deliver goods to a buyer at a certain port of appearance, as determined in an international shipping contract. After delivery, all obligations shifted to the buyer.
  • Discontinued in 2011, DES was replaced by two new Incoterms, delivered at terminal (DAT) and delivered at place (DAP).