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EBITDA-To-Sales Ratio

EBITDA-To-Sales Ratio

What Is the EBITDA-To-Sales Ratio?

The EBITDA-to-sales ratio, otherwise called EBITDA margin, is a financial measurement used to survey a company's profitability by contrasting its gross revenue and its earnings. All the more explicitly, since EBITDA itself is derived in part from revenue, this measurement demonstrates the percentage of a company's earnings staying in the wake of operating expenses. A higher value shows the company can create earnings all the more effectively by keeping costs low.

The Formula for the EBITDA-To-Sales Ratio

EBITDA  margin=EBITDANet salesEBITDA;\text = \frac{\text}

Step by step instructions to Calculate the EBITDA-To-Sales Ratio

EBITDA is a truncation for "earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization." Thus, it is calculated adding back these details to net income, thus incorporates operating expenses, for example, the cost of goods sold (COGS) and selling, general, and administrative (SG&A) expenses.

The EBITDA/sales ratio is accordingly able to zero in on the impact of direct operating costs while excluding the effects of the company's capital structure, tax exposure, and accounting eccentricities.

What Does the EBITDA-To-Sales Ratio Tell You?

The purpose of EBITDA is to report earnings while exlcluding certain expenses that are viewed as uncontrollable. EBITDA gives further understanding into the operational proficiency of an organization in light of just those costs management have some control over.

The EBITDA-to-sales ratio isolates the EBITDA by a company's net sales. A ratio equivalent to 1 suggests that a company has no interest, taxes, depreciation, or amortization. It is in this way essentially guaranteed that the calculation of a company's EBITDA-to-sales ratio will be under 1 due to the deduction of those expenses in the numerator. Subsequently, the EBITDA-to-sales ratio shouldn't return a value greater than 1. A value greater than 1 is an indicator of a miscalculation. All things considered, a decent EBITDA-to-sales ratio is a number higher in comparison with its companions.

EBITDA-to-sales can be construed as a liquidity measurement, on the grounds that a comparison is being made between the total revenue earned and the residual net income before certain expenses, showing the total amount a company can hope to receive subsequent to operating costs have been paid. Albeit this is definitely not a true feeling of the concept of liquidity, the calculation actually uncovers how simple it is for a business to cover and pay for certain costs.

Limitations of the EBITDA-To-Sales Ratio

The EBITDA-to-sales ratio for a given company is most valuable while contrasting with comparable measured companies inside a similar industry to each other. Since various companies have different cost structures across industries, the EBITDA-to-sales ratio calculations won't let a lot during comparison know if used to compare against industries with various cost structures.

For instance, certain industries might experience better taxation due to tax credits and deductions. These industries bring about lower income tax figures and higher EBITDA-to-sales ratio calculations.

One more angle connected with the handiness of the EBITDA-to-sales ratio concerns the utilization of depreciation and amortization methods. Since companies can choose different depreciation methods, EBITDA-to-sales ratio calculations dispense with the depreciation expense from consideration to further develop consistency between companies. At last, the exclusion of debt interest has its disadvantages while measuring the performance of a company. Companies with high debt levels ought not be estimated utilizing the EBITDA-to-deal ratio since large and ordinary interest payments ought to be remembered for the financial analysis of such companies.


  • Since the ratio bars the impact of debt interest, highly leveraged companies should cot be assessed utilizing this measurement.
  • A low EBITDA-to-sales ratio recommends that a company might dislike profitability as well as its cash flow, while a high outcome might show a strong business with stable earnings.
  • The EBITDA-to-sales ratio (EBITDA margin) shows how much cash a company creates for every dollar of sales revenue, before accounting for interest, taxes, and amortization and depreciation.