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Rainbow Option

Rainbow Option

What Is a Rainbow Option?

A rainbow option is an options contract linked to the performances of at least two underlying assets. They can conjecture on the best entertainer in the group or minimum performances of the multitude of underlying assets all at once. Each underlying might be called a variety so the sum of these factors makes up a rainbow.

These are a type of exotic option that trade-the-counter (OTC). Rainbow options are like correlation options and basket options in that those additionally allude to a number of underlying securities; nonetheless, options like that allude to a single price in light of those underlying securities. Rainbow options are instead structured as calls or potentially puts on the best or most exceedingly awful entertainer as it connects with the underlying assets involved.

How a Rainbow Option Works

Rainbow options can be structured in several different ways depending on how the performances of each underlying asset are thought of. Some pay off in view of the best or most awful performance among the covered underlying assets. At the end of the day, its payoff depends on the top or base entertainer. These are once in a while called "best of" or "most terrible of" rainbow options.

A rainbow option could determine value, for instance, from three moderately low-connected assets like the Russell 3000 Index of U.S. stocks, the MSCI Pacific Ex-Japan Index, and the Dow-AIG Commodity Futures Index. In a call rainbow written on these three indexes, the option would pay out the difference between the strike price and the level of the index that has ascended by the biggest amount of the three.

Spread options are technically rainbow options since their payoff depends on the difference in price between two underlying assets. Note that this isn't equivalent to an options spread strategy, for example, a vertical spread.

Basket options are comparative since their payoff depends on the total or net performance of each of the underlying assets in the basket. Nonetheless, the option is truly just in light of the value of the basket and not on any individual performances within. Not at all like a basket option, every one of the assets underlying a rainbow option must move in the intended direction(s).

Correlation options are a type of rainbow option. An example would be a correlation between at least two assets, and the structure is possibly enacted when an asset moves in or out of a specific reach. They are like barrier options however correlation options rely upon two underlying assets. Barrier options rely upon a single underlying moving in or out of a reach. Examples of barrier options include knock-in options and knock-out options.

Using Rainbow Options

In the horse racing betting world, a rainbow option can be like picking the main three finishers, called a trifecta box. Each of the three ponies in the bet must finish in the main three in any order. In the event that they don't, then the bet, and the option, expires worthless.

In terms of stocks, a rainbow could be an option that pays off in light of which pair of stocks climbs by the best percentage by the expiration date. For baskets of stocks, the payoff can be weighted in light of the ranking of the stocks.

Maybe a trader needs a call option on a currency that becomes active if and provided that a benchmark interest rate moves outside of its current reach. An airline could need a call option on a fuel commodity that initiates if the U.S. dollar falls essentially.

Strategies can be very complex, albeit the more complex, the more outlandish a seller will find a buyer to take the opposite side of the trade. Basically, in the event that you can dream up a set of contingencies, you can make an option to guess on it.


  • Rainbow options come in various types and are generally dependent on either the best or most terrible entertainer of the different underlyings involved.
  • A rainbow option is an exotic option that utilizes more than one underlying security.
  • They are normally structured with the goal that the option just initiates once certain boundaries are set off.