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Asian Tail

Asian Tail

What Is an Asian Tail?

An Asian tail is a Asian option that puts together its payout with respect to the average price of the underlying security in the last several days or long stretches of the contract's life — typically the last ten to twenty days. This is as opposed to an Asian nose, one more variation of an Asian option, where the averaging feature is just active during the beginning of an option's life.

Figuring out an Asian Tail

Not at all like vanilla options, an Asian option's payout depends on the average price and not its closing price. With an Asian tail, this averaging is just pertinent throughout the past days or long stretches of the contract.

An Asian option, otherwise called a average price option, follows through on the option holder the average cost of the underlying security's price movement even assuming the call option trades above, or the put option trades below, the pre-laid out strike price. This method of averaging the level of the underlying asset's price safeguards the investor from volatility, for example, sudden and adverse price movements that can make an option finish out of the money (OTM), and consequently worthless, upon expiration.

The Asian tail portrays an option where the Asian feature is just active for the last part of the option's life. This safeguards the holder against last-minute variances in the asset price. The length and time frame of the Asian tail are negotiated and laid out toward the beginning of the options contract, albeit customarily the last ten to twenty days of an option's life is the point at which the Asian tail kicks in.

Asian tails are specifically expected to safeguard hedgers against increased volatility that might happen around the finish of an option's lifespan. This sort of averaging is frequently incorporated into long-term options, for example, equity-linked notes (ELN), employee share options, warrants, or convertibles, to stay away from or reduce price manipulation on expiry.

In the event that the chance to expiry is a year or more, traders frequently just treat it as a European-style option for a decent first estimate. An Asian tail is genuinely direct to value. It tends to be considered an Asian option while the Asian feature is active and a normal European option when it isn't.

Illustration of an Asian Tail

Assume a company issues warrants to its employees that vest following two years. These contracts give those employees the right, however not the obligation, to purchase shares in their company's stock at a strike price of $50 per share. The current price of that stock is $40 per share.

Over the two-year period, the company exhibits strong growth and the price of the stock ascents consistently to $60 per share. In any case, multi week before the warrants mature, an accounting scandal shakes the company's principal rival, sending the share prices of the whole sector strongly lower, and this company's stock down to $37 per share. An Asian tail that averaged the last 30 days of the warrant's term would quiet the incredibly negative effect of that increased volatility.


  • The length and time frame of the Asian tail are agreed to at the commencement of the contract.
  • An Asian nose, interestingly, averages just the beginning days' or alternately weeks' prices of the option's life.
  • An Asian tail safeguards against large price swings close to expiration.
  • An Asian tail is an option that addresses out in light of the average cost of the underlying security, yet just in view of the last several days or long stretches of the contract's life.