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Brand Management

Brand Management

What Is Brand Management?

Brand management is a function of marketing that utilizes procedures to increase the perceived value of a product line or brand over the long run. Effective brand management empowers the price of products to go up and builds steadfast customers through positive brand associations and pictures or a strong awareness of the brand.

Fostering a strategic plan to keep up with brand equity or gain brand value requires a far reaching comprehension of the brand, its target market, and the company's overall vision.

How Brand Management Works

Brands impact customer engagement, competition in the markets, and the management of a company. A strong brand presence in the market separates a company's products from its rivals and makes brand affinity for a company's products or services.

A brand that has been laid out needs to persistently keep up with its brand picture through brand management. Effective brand management increases brand awareness, measures and oversees brand equity, drives that support a predictable brand message, recognizes and obliges new brand products, and effectively positions the brand in the market.

It requires a long time to lay out a brand, yet when it at last happens, it needs to in any case be kept up with through innovation and imagination. Eminent brands that have set up a good foundation for themselves as leaders in their particular industries over the course of the years incorporate Coca-Cola, Mcdonald's, Microsoft, IBM, Procter and Gamble, CNN, Disney, Nike, Ford, Lego, and Starbucks.

Instances of Brand Management

Seeing a gecko helps one to remember GEICO Insurance which involves the reptile in the vast majority of its advertising efforts. Likewise, the Coca-Cola jingle "It's the Real Thing," which previously circulated in 1971 as a TV commercial that highlighted individuals of various races and cultures, is as yet famous and recognizable to ages of Coca-Cola consumers.

A brand doesn't need to be tied to one product. One brand could cover different products or services. Passage, for instance, has numerous auto models under the Ford brand. In like manner, a brand name can take on numerous brands under its umbrella.

For instance, Procter and Gamble has different brands under its brand name, for example, Ariel clothing cleanser, Charmin tissue, Bounty paper towels, Dawn dishwashing liquid, and Crest toothpaste.

Requirements of a Brand Manager

A brand manager is entrusted with dealing with the substantial and elusive properties of a brand. The substantial parts of a company's brand incorporate the product's price, bundling, logo, associated varieties, and lettering design.

A brand manager's job is to break down how a brand is perceived in the market by considering the elusive components of a brand. Immaterial factors incorporate the experience that the consumers have had with the brand and their emotional association with the product or service. The elusive qualities of a brand build brand equity.

Brand equity is the price over the product's value that consumers will pay to gain the brand. Brand equity is an inside created elusive asset wherein its value is eventually settled by consumers' view of the brand. On the off chance that consumers will pay more for a brand than a generic brand that carries out similar roles, the brand equity will increase in value. Then again, the value of brand equity falls when consumers would prefer to purchase a comparative product that costs not exactly the brand.

A cult brand is an illustration of a "harmless cult" where the customer base for a product or service is very steadfast, leading to the brand's prosperity as a developing army of customers feel a unique emotional association with the brand.

Special Considerations

Brand management includes making a brand as well as understanding what products could fit under the brand of a company. A brand manager generally needs to keep its target market as a top priority while considering new products to take on the company's brand or working with analysts to conclude what companies to merge with or acquire.

The difference between brand management achievement and disappointment boils down to continuous innovation. A brand manager that consistently looks for imaginative ways of keeping up with the quality of a brand will hold its unwavering consumers and gain more brand affinity, compared to one that is satisfied with the current great name of the company's brand.


  • Brand management is a function of marketing that utilizes procedures to increase the perceived value of a product line or brand after some time.
  • Brand equity alludes to the value a company gains from its name recognition, empowering it to be the famous decision among consumers even when compared to a generic brand with a lower price point.
  • Effective brand management assists a company with building a dependable customer base and helps fuel a company's profits.
  • A brand manager guarantees the innovation of a product or brand, making brand awareness through the utilization of price, bundling, logo, associated varieties, and lettering design.