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Individual Transfer Quota (ITQ)

Individual Transfer Quota (ITQ)

What Is an Individual Transfer Quota (ITQ)?

An Individual Transfer Quota (ITQ) is a quota imposed on individuals or firms by an overseeing body that limits the production of a decent or service. On the off chance that the holder of a quota doesn't create the maximum amount as set out by the quota, they might transfer the excess portion to another party.

Figuring out Individual Transfer Quota (ITQ)

ITQs are utilized to limit the output of a decent or service. For instance, due to a import agreement with another country, a government might need to impose an ITQ on domestic wheat farmers. By forcing an ITQ on every rancher, the government can limit the total production of wheat.

ITQs are most generally utilized in the fishing industry. In this model, an ITQ is a permit to harvest a certain amount of fish per species every year. A quota is conceded to fishermen in light of catch sizes in previous years. Quota holders are given catch limits in view of the sustainability of the fish species.

At times, the permits have become more important than fishing. Fishermen who haven't been in that frame of mind for ages don't get a quota and in this manner must buy them from holders. In Canada, fishermen grumble that quota holders keep raising prices to the point where it's unprofitable to fish.

Non-profit group Ecotrust Canada notes: "ITQs have advanced absentee ownership and quota leasing. When vessel owners are gifted their initial quota, many in this manner retire or cease to be active fishermen. Rather than fishing, these 'rocker fishermen' earn income from the proceeds of quota lease fees."

In an assessment piece for The Tyee, creators Evelyn Pinkerton, Kim Olsen, Joy Thorkelson and Art Davidson noted that halibut ITQs leased for $7 to $9 per pound in 2015, when the landed price was $8.25 to $9.50 per pound. That implied quota owners took more than 85% of the landed value, leaving fishermen razor-meager profit margins to pay group, vessel operation, and monitoring costs.

In Iceland and New Zealand, which have had the longest-laid out ITQ systems, scientists report quota lease fees account for around 70% of the value of the catch, and small boats were forced out of the fishery by monitoring costs.

ITQs can be traded, re-truly, re-unloaded, or held in perpetuity. This can bring about Quota Consolidation, which is intensely reprimanded.

For instance, it is estimated that eight companies control 80% of New Zealand's fisheries through quota acquisition, four companies control 77% of one Alaska crab fishery, and 7% of shareholders control 60% of the US Gulf Red Snapper quota. The consolidation brings about job loss, reduced wages, and diminished entry opportunities into the fishery.

No part of this is to say that ITQs have not advanced toward the goal of additional sustainable fisheries.


  • ITQs are normally utilized in the fishing industry, where there are worries about over-fishing and keeping up with the sustainability of fish species.
  • An Individual Transfer Quota (ITQ) is a quota imposed to limit the output of a decent or service.
  • Nonetheless, pundits note that numerous ITQ holders lease their rights to other people, which permit them to capture a significant part of the value of the quota without accomplishing any work.