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What Is Musharakah?

Musharakah is a joint enterprise or partnership structure in Islamic finance in which partners share in the profits and losses of an enterprise. Since Islamic law (Sharia) doesn't permit profiting from interest in lending, musharakah considers the lender of a project or company to accomplish a return as a portion of the genuine profits as per a predetermined ratio. In any case, not at all like a traditional creditor, the lender additionally will share in any losses would it be advisable for them they happen, likewise on a pro rata basis. Musharakah is a type of shirkah al-amwal (or partnership), which in Arabic means "sharing."

Figuring out Musharakah

Musharakah assumes an essential part in financing business operations in view of Islamic principles. For instance, assume that individual A needs to begin a business yet has limited funds. Individual B has excess funds and wishes to be the lender in musharakah with A. The two individuals would come to an agreement to the terms and start a business in which both share a portion of the profits and losses. This invalidates the requirement for A to receive a loan from B.

Musharakah is habitually utilized in the purchase of property and real estate, in providing credit, for investment projects, and to finance large purchases. In real estate bargains, the partners request from a bank an assessment of the property's value through imputed rent (the sum a partner could pay to live in the property being referred to). Profits are split between partners in predetermined ratios in view of the value that was assigned and the sum of their different stakes. Each party that puts up capital is qualified for a say in the property's management. When musharakah is employed to finance large purchases, banks will generally loan by utilizing floating-rate interest loans pegged to a company's rate of return. That peg fills in as a lending partner's profit.

Musharakah are not binding agreements; either party can terminate the agreement singularly.

Types of Musharakah

Inside musharakah, there are varying partnership arrangements. In a shirkah al-'inan partnership, the partners are basically the agent and don't act as underwriters of different partners. Shirkah al-mufawadah is an equivalent, unlimited, and unrestricted partnership in which all partners put in a similar sum, share a similar profit, and have similar rights.

A permanent musharakah has no specific end date and go on until the partners choose to break down it. All things considered, it is frequently utilized for long-term financing needs. A diminishing musharakah can have one or two structures. The first is a sequential partnership, where the share of each partner remains something very similar until the joint venture reaches a conclusion. It is much of the time utilized in project finance and particularly home-purchasing.

In a diminishing partnership (otherwise called a declining balance partnership or declining musharakah), one partner's share is drawn down while it is moved to one more partner until the whole sum is ignored. Such a structure is common in home-purchasing where the lender (generally a bank) purchases a property and receives payment from a buyer (by means of month to month rent payments) until the whole balance is paid off.

On account of a default, both the buyer and lender get a share of the proceeds from the sale of the property on a pro rata basis. This varies from more traditional lending structures, which have the lender alone profiting from any property sale following a foreclosure.


  • Profits from interest are not permitted in Islamic practice, requiring the requirement for musharakah.
  • A permanent musharakah is frequently utilized for long-term financing needs since it has no specific end date and go on until the partners choose to break up it.
  • Musharakah is a joint partnership arrangement in Islamic finance wherein profits and losses are shared.