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Broad Evidence Rule

Broad Evidence Rule

What Is the Broad Evidence Rule?

The broad evidence rule frames the rules that insurers must go about in determining the value of lost, taken, or damaged property. It determines no one method to value any one piece of property, just that the method which most precisely addresses the true cash value of the property ought to be utilized. The broad evidence rule means that all realities and conditions that bear on the value of property can be thought of.

Understanding Broad Evidence Rule

The broad evidence rule is utilized by insurance companies to determine the dollar amount to be paid out to the insured in the event of a claim. Rather than utilizing the traditional [actual cash value](/genuine cash-value) approach of replacement cost minus depreciation, the broad evidence rule can consider many factors, including market value, original cost, replacement cost, age and condition of the property, location, frequency of purpose, sturdiness of the thing, assessed value, number of users in the household or business, offers to sell, offers to purchase, and extraordinariness. Along these lines, each genuine cash value determination must be assessed on a claim-by-claim basis.

States utilize three distinct approaches to compute genuine cash value when a property policy neglects to characterize the term: the fair market value, replacement costs minus depreciation, and the broad evidence rule enough. By the mid-2010s, the broad evidence rule had been accepted in many states, including New York and New Jersey. It has become more typical in recent years, albeit a few states like California determine that genuine cash value equals market value.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Broad Evidence Rule

The broad evidence rule's strength is its comprehensiveness and flexibility. It has been lauded for repaying an insured party through a fairer distribution of insurance proceeds than results from different approaches. This is on the grounds that the insured can introduce evidence showing the deficiency of the market value or replacement cost less depreciation approaches in certain cases.

A few reactions of the broad evidence rule incorporate that it needs certainty or consistency since it's anything but a positive formula. At the point when insurance is purchased, no estimations with regards to the value of the property is available. The rule, in this way, forces an extra burden on insurers and court systems, since it requires more administrative complexity and time than different approaches. Further analysis of the broad evidence rule is that insurers can exploit collateral issues to escape liability. One more grievance is that the consideration of an endless number of factors can lead to speculation and a blurring of the issue of genuine loss.

Illustration of Broad Evidence Rule

The McAnarney v. Newark Fire Insurance Company case of 1919 is frequently credited as laying out a precedent for implementation of the broad evidence rule in the insurance industry.

In the case, McAnarney purchased an old brewery for $8,000 in 1919 and insured it with numerous insurance agencies for $60,000. The Newark Fire Insurance company was one of the insurers. The building was annihilated by fire in 1920 yet insurance agencies would not pay McAnarney the full insurance amount i.e., $60,000, and just acknowledged him for $55,000.

He sued them in court yet the lower court favored the insurers since they had utilized the real cash value method to show up at their liability figure. The method considered the passage of the eighteenth Amendment in 1919, which carried out preclusion, and the way that the building was not suitable for whatever else other than preparing beer. McAnarney had additionally attempted to sell the building for $8,000.

The New York Court of Appeals switched the lower court's decision, seeing that insurance agencies are liable for repaying the insured, "that is, save him harmless or put him in as great a condition, such a long ways as practicable, as he would have been in assuming that no fire had occurred."


  • The broad evidence rule, which is not the same as the genuine cash value approach utilized by insurers, lays out a loose system for esteeming lost, taken, or damaged property.
  • Not all states utilize the broad evidence rule in determining valuation of insured properties.
  • While it takes into consideration inclusivity and flexibility, the broad evidence rule is scrutinized for lacking consistency and certainty since it's anything but a positive formula.