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Foot Traffic

Foot Traffic

What Is Foot Traffic?

Foot traffic is a term utilized in business to depict the number of customers that enter a store, shopping center, or location. Foot traffic numbers are vigorously monitored by store owners specifically retail stores, for example, department stores. Foot traffic — or customer traffic — is an important metric on the grounds that higher foot traffic will in general lead to higher sales and revenue numbers. Nonetheless, foot traffic alone isn't sufficient to produce new sales. Companies must offer a helpful product or service and follow through with conveying a positive experience to the customer.

Understanding Foot Traffic

Before a business even chooses to set up shop in an area, the organization's research team will study the foot traffic in the area during various times of the day and the week. Companies that are chain stores or establishments study traffic designs in an area as well as median income, crime rates, and neighborhood foot traffic. On the off chance that it's a larger business and is keen on the area, it could contract out the work. Experts are often used to conduct studies and examine foot traffic designs at various times of the year.

Street-level retail foundations, normally, rely vigorously upon foot traffic, however businesses on a second or third floor of a building likewise need foot traffic to get taken note. On the street level may be a retail store, for example, a coffee shop. Notwithstanding, on the upper floors may be professional service stores, for example, law firms, financial advisers, and accountants. The signage and marketing at the street level is a pivotal element in supporting foot traffic for the businesses situated on the second and third floors.

Foot Traffic and Competition

Typically, locations with higher measures of foot traffic will generally command higher rents. Some random city or suburban town has a popular area where foot traffic is clamoring. These are helpful spots for shops and caf\u00e9s, yet they can be costly to operate. Thus, whenever businesses have been laid out, the center movements to seeking foot traffic with other nearby businesses in the area.

Large numbers of individuals don't be guaranteed to guarantee profitability for retailers and restaurateurs in high-traffic zones. Profoundly sought-after areas with foot traffic will quite often have higher rents, higher taxes, and furious competition. Subsequently, companies need to offer a product or service that separates them with the competition to win the fight for foot traffic yet in addition legitimize the higher operational costs.

Foot Traffic and Urban Planning

Foot traffic is likewise an important consideration in urban planning. Assuming that an area is or alternately is expected to become popular with people on foot, planners will need to guarantee legitimate tasteful design and placement of buildings alongside safety factors to safeguard walkers from vehicles. Street trees, crosswalks, and extended curbs are integrated into spatial planning. Urban planners can play a job in determining whether an area will be popular with shoppers.

State and neighborhood legislatures often apportion funds to redesign and further develop areas where small businesses are found. The funds may be utilized for working on neighborhood stops, the waterfront, adding new lit walkways and plant life, as well as further developing access to the train station. The strategies are undeniably designed to divert or captivate foot traffic to shopping areas.

Tracking Foot Traffic

There are different methods used to follow and decipher foot traffic. The data assembled is critical to helping sales and profits. Experiences gained from studying foot traffic include:

  • Top hours and days for customer activity.
  • Numbers and the types of products purchased, whether the products bought were on sale, or were they in a specific location, for example, close to the door or cash register.
  • Lost sales tracking, which assists businesses with planning inventory. In the event that sales for a product was poor during top foot traffic hours, the product probably won't worth sell.
  • How long spent in the store or the average time spent by customers. Data showing time spent in a store combined with the hour of day, week, or year can give critical understanding to customer buying examples and interests.
  • Traffic designs outside the store, like busy time, as well as the separation from the store to the customer's home can be examined and connected with foot traffic.

Companies can follow point-of-sale (POS) transactions done in the store to determine what merchandise was purchased as well as the hour of day or week. Small businesses that are mom-and-pop shops could monitor foot traffic physically. Tracking foot traffic could be pretty much as simple as keeping a scratch pad by the register, counting customers, and taking note of the times of day.

For larger, more occupied retail stores, hardware are normally employed to follow foot traffic. Data from sensors and cameras that are associated with the Wi-Fi network can be saved and considered to determine the highest traffic times. From that point, a business could increase staff or change employee hours so the best salespeople are working during the busy times of foot traffic.

Benefits of Foot Traffic Tracking

Numerous businesses use foot traffic analytics to improve their business practices and gain bits of knowledge to their customer base. As per Gravy Analytics, one major advantage is the ability to improve staffing schedules; companies can schedule more workers at active times and schedule inventory tasks in quiet times. Foot traffic analysis additionally figures out how outer factors, like climate and nearby events, may impact marketing efforts.

Step by step instructions to Increase Foot Traffic

These days, even brick-and-mortar stores need a strong online presence to bring issues to light among their clientele. As well as having a clean, very much designed website, a strong social media presence can assist with building a store's brand in the community, and a business listing on Yelp, Google My Business, and Apple Maps can assist shoppers with tracking down your store. Some 68% of nearby hunts end in the client clicking "Get Directions" or "Snap to Call," so it is essential to make it simple to track down your business.

Facilitating in-store events can likewise assist with getting individuals in the door. Contingent upon the type of store, a free product sampling or showing, guidance classes, or other in-store services can carry more guests to a retail location, some of whom might remain to shop.

Foot traffic fell steeply during the COVID-19 Pandemic, causing the number of store visits to fall 45% by April of 2020.

Foot traffic at shopping centers, strip shopping centers, and traditional street-side brick-and-mortar stores have been on the decline in the U.S. for quite a long time. Therefore, a wave of shopping center and store closings, especially in secondary and tertiary locations, have happened. The reason, as per broad conviction, is the rise of [e-commerce](/online business), which offers convenience, selection, and competitive prices. The Covid-19 pandemic likewise had a sharp impact, causing foot traffic to fall by as much as 45% in April of 2020.

Landlords are scrambling to keep up with the changes. Retailers and landlords have been teaming up to track down ways of fighting lower trends in foot traffic. Numerous shopping centers and shopping centers are utilizing an experience-shopping strategy by which they strategically place eateries, coffee shops, cinemas, and activity-based stores to support foot traffic to the next retail stores. The key is to thought of a plan to convince individuals to walk around and partake in the shopping experience as opposed to remaining at home and shopping online.


  • Foot traffic numbers are vigorously monitored by store owners specifically retail stores, for example, department stores.
  • Numerous shopping centers and department stores are attempting to further develop foot traffic, which dwindled because of internet business and the Covid-19 Pandemic.
  • Foot traffic is an important metric on the grounds that higher foot traffic will in general lead to higher sales and revenue numbers.
  • Foot traffic is a term utilized in business to depict the number of customers that enter a store, shopping center, or location.
  • A strong online presence is key to further developing foot traffic since numerous shoppers track down stores through neighborhood search.