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Mandatory Convertible

Mandatory Convertible

What Is a Mandatory Convertible?

A mandatory convertible is a type of convertible bond that has a required conversion or redemption feature, instead of the convertible feature being an option. For these bonds, either at the very latest a contractual conversion date, the holder must change over the mandatory convertible into the underlying common stock.

Mandatory Convertibles Explained

A mandatory convertible is a security that naturally converts to common equity at the very latest a foreordained date. This hybrid security guarantees a certain return up to the conversion date, after which there is no guaranteed return except for the possibility of a lot higher return. This contrasts from the standard convertible bond wherein the holder has the option of practicing his or right to change over the fixed income security into shares at the responsible company. A normal convertible bondholder could decide to change over or to leave the bonds in their portfolio relying upon the market conditions of the equity and bond market, giving a downside protection to the investor if the share price of the company doesn't perform true to form.

Since mandatory convertibles strip the bondholder of any conversion options, investors are furnished with higher yields than ordinary convertibles to repay holders for the mandatory conversion structure. The issue price of the mandatory convertible at the hour of issuance equals the price of the common stock. The trust indenture records the conversion price, which is the price at which the debt securities are convertible into common stock at a premium to the issue price upon maturity. In reality, two conversion prices are stated with a mandatory convertible - the main conversion price limits the price in which the investor would receive the equivalent of its par value back in shares, the second would delimit the price wherein the investor will earn more than par. In the event that the stock price is below the primary conversion price the investor would experience a capital loss compared to their original principal investment. Rather than the conversion price, the conversion ratio may be stipulated all things considered; the conversion ratio is the number of shares that an investor can hope to have each par value bond changed over into. This ratio changes relying upon the responsible company's stock price.

The application of mandatory convertible bonds is like that of mandatory convertible preferred shares, in which case, preferred shareholders must change their shares over completely to common stock at a predefined date.

Different Considerations

There are two common ways a company can raise capital - equity issuance or debt issuance. At the point when a company issues equity, its cost of equity is dividends to shareholders. Not all companies pay dividends, be that as it may, in which case, shareholders expect a return not entirely settled by capital appreciation in the share price. The cost of debt for giving debt or bonds is the periodic interest payments that are to be made to bondholders. A company's decision on the most proficient method to fund-raise to finance its capital undertakings relies upon the openness or cost of every security issuance.

Some of the time, companies stray from pure debt or pure equity issues to gain flexibility in adjusting its capital structure or lessening its cost of capital. A company might decide to issue debt on the off chance that general market conditions are not good for an equity issue or on the other hand on the off chance that a traditional equity issuance would somehow place serious market pressure on the price of the existing shares in the market. If so, the debt issued may have a mandatory convertible feature which will permit the debt to be changed over into equity at a better time. A bond with a mandatory convertible feature will be featured on the trust indenture at the hour of issuance.


  • Along these lines, holders of mandatory convertibles partake in a higher yield than on ordinary convertible bonds.
  • Traditional convertible bonds permit bondholders the option of changing over, while in a mandatory convertible this is required.
  • A mandatory convertible is a bond issued by a company which must be changed over into shares to common stock at the latest a specific date.