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Earnings Stripping

Earnings Stripping

What Is Earnings Stripping?

Earnings stripping is a common tactic utilized by multinational corporations to escape high domestic taxation by involving interest deductions in a friendly tax system area to lower their corporate taxes. All in all, earnings stripping is a technique utilized by corporations that try to limit their U.S. tax bills by shifting profits abroad to countries with lower tax rates.

It is commonly utilized during corporate inversions: a transaction through which the corporate structure of a U.S.- based multinational corporation is altered so another foreign corporation, regularly situated in a low-tax or tax-free country, replaces the existing U.S. parent corporation as the parent of the corporate group.

Understanding Earnings Stripping

Earnings stripping is a form of tax avoidance, a legal act that includes exploiting a loophole in the tax code to reduce the amount of taxes owed to the government. Earnings stripping is essentially a method by which a business entity reduces its tax liability by paying excessive amounts of interest to another corporation. This method includes transferring taxable income from a U.S. subsidiary to a foreign affiliate assuming some pretense of tax-deductible interest payments on internal debt.

As part of earnings stripping, a foreign-controlled domestic corporation (or a U.S. corporation that is situated in a foreign country) or parent company makes a loan to its U.S. subsidiary for operational expenses. In this way, the U.S. subsidiary pays an excessive amount of interest on the loan to the parent company and deducts these interest payments from its overall earnings.

The reduction in earnings affects its overall tax liability in light of the fact that interest deductions are not taxed. Taking into account that the average U.S. corporate tax rate is 21%, the reduction can convert into a substantial amount of savings for the corporation.

Much of the time, the subsidiary actually borrows no money. It is just a transaction completed on paper and the parent company doesn't implement the assortment of the debt. It just moves the company's earnings from the U.S. to a foreign country.

Forestalling Earnings Stripping

To curb the practice of earnings stripping, the Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1989 put a half restriction on related-party interest deductions a foreign-possessed U.S. corporation could take while computing its income tax. Hypothetically, a lower number for that restriction will go a long way in confining earnings stripping, however the measure requires congressional endorsement and bipartisan support.

As a general rule, the earnings stripping rules apply to a corporation with a debt-to-equity ratio in excess of 1.5 to 1; a net interest expense that surpasses half of its adjusted taxable income for the year, and an interest expense that isn't subject to full U.S. income or withholding tax in the hands of the beneficiary.

The Obama administration put in additional regulations encompassing earnings stripping in 2016, which curbed the number of acquisitions abroad that U.S. companies were making as earnings stripping was not as beneficial. At the point when Trump lowered corporate taxes in 2018, foreign acquisitions kept on leftover low. Given President Biden's proposed increase in corporate taxes, it is not yet clear how regulation around earnings stripping will continue.

In spite of the fact that a poisonous corporate practice reduces the government's tax revenues, earnings stripping affects U.S. unemployment. As per a 2007 study by the U.S. Treasury, earnings stripping may "either increase or decline investment in a high-tax country." "The level of investment by multinationals is probably not going to influence total unemployment in the United States except if there is unemployment in the markets for labor whose expertise foreign investors demand," creators of the study composed.


  • A corporation lowers its U.S. tax bill by shifting profits abroad to lower tax-rate countries utilizing an interaction known as corporate inversion.
  • Earnings stripping is a tactic utilized by corporations to stay away from high domestic taxation by involving interest deductions in a tax country with lower rates to diminish their overall tax bill.
  • The interaction works by which a parent company makes a loan to its U.S. subsidiary abroad for operational expenses. The subsidiary pays an excessive amount of interest on the loan and deducts these interest payments from its overall earnings. The "reduction" in earnings, accordingly, reduces the amount of taxes that are owed.
  • Earnings stripping is legal through the tax code yet the U.S. government has looked to forestall it by founding various regulations, for example, integrating debt-to-equity and net interest expense to adjustable income ratio edges