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Fixed-Income Security

Fixed-Income Security

What Is a Fixed-Income Security?

A fixed-income security is an investment that gives a return as fixed periodic interest payments and the eventual return of principal at maturity. In contrast to variable-income securities, where payments change in light of some underlying measure โ€”, for example, short-term interest rates โ€” the payments of a fixed-income security are known in advance.

Fixed-Income Securities Explained

Fixed-Income securities are debt instruments that pay a fixed amount of interest โ€” as coupon payments โ€” to investors. The interest payments are typically made semiannually while the principal invested returns to the investor at maturity. Bonds are the most common form of fixed-income securities. Companies raise capital by giving fixed-income products to investors.

A bond is an investment product that is issued by corporations and governments to raise funds to finance projects and fund operations. Bonds are mostly comprised of corporate bonds and government bonds and can have different maturities and face value amounts. The face value is the amount the investor will receive when the bond matures. Corporate and government bonds trade on major exchanges and generally are listed with $1,000 face values, otherwise called the par value.

Credit Rating Fixed Income Securities

Not all bonds are created equivalent significance they have different credit ratings assigned to them in light of the financial viability of the issuer. Credit ratings are part of a grading system performed by credit-rating agencies. These agencies measure the creditworthiness of corporate and government bonds and the entities ability to repay these loans. Credit ratings are useful to investors since they indicate the risks implied in investing.

Bonds can either be investment grade on non-investment grade bonds. Investment grade bonds are issued by stable companies with a low risk of default and, therefore, have lower interest rates than non-investment grade bonds. Non-investment grade bonds, otherwise called junk bonds or high-yield bonds, have extremely low credit ratings due to a high probability of the corporate issuer defaulting on its interest payments.

As a result, investors typically require a higher rate of interest from junk bonds to compensate them for taking on the higher risk presented by these debt securities.

Types of Fixed-Income Securities

Although there are many types of fixed-income securities, below we've outlined a couple of the most well known in addition to corporate bonds.

Treasury notes (T-notes) are issued by the U.S. Treasury and are intermediate-term bonds that mature in two, three, five, or 10 years. T-Notes generally have a face value of $1,000 and pay semiannual interest payments at fixed coupon rates or interest rates. The interest payment and principal repayment of all Treasurys are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, which issues these bonds to fund its debts.

Another type of fixed-income security from the U.S. Treasury is the Treasury bond (T-bond) which matures in 30 years. Treasury bonds typically have par values of $10,000 and are sold on auction on TreasuryDirect.

Short-term fixed-income securities incorporate Treasury bills. The T-bill matures within one year from issuance and doesn't pay interest. Instead, investors can buy the security at a lower price than its face value, or a discount. At the point when the bill matures, investors are paid the face value amount. The interest earned or return on the investment is the difference between the purchase price and the face value amount of the bill.

A municipal bond is a government bond issued by states, cities, and counties to fund capital projects, like building streets, schools, and hospitals. The interest earned from these bonds is tax exempt from federal income tax. Likewise, the interest earned on a "muni" bond might be exempt from state and nearby taxes on the off chance that the investor lives in the state where the bond is issued. The muni bond has several maturity dates in which a portion of the principal comes due on a separate date until the entire principal is repaid. Munis are normally sold with a $5,000 face value.

A bank issues a certificate of deposit (CD). In return for depositing money with the bank for a predetermined period, the bank pays interest to the account holder. CDs have maturities of under five years and typically pay lower rates than bonds, but higher rates than traditional savings accounts. A CD has Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) insurance up to $250,000 per account holder. To get the most out of this sort of security, make certain to investigate as needs be to determine what CDs offer the best rates currently accessible.

Companies issue preferred stocks that give investors a fixed dividend, set as a dollar amount or percentage of share value on a predetermined schedule. Interest rates and inflation influence the price of preferred shares, and these shares have higher yields than most bonds due to their longer duration.

Benefits of Fixed-Income Securities

Fixed-income securities give steady interest income to investors throughout the life of the bond. Fixed-income securities can likewise reduce the overall risk in an investment portfolio and protect against volatility or wild fluctuations in the market. Equities are traditionally more volatile than bonds meaning their price movements can lead to greater capital gains but likewise bigger losses. As a result, numerous investors allocate a portion of their portfolios to bonds to reduce the risk of volatility that comes from stocks.

It's important to note that the prices of bonds and fixed income securities can increase and diminish too. Although the interest payments of fixed-income securities are steady, their prices are not guaranteed to stay stable throughout the life of the bonds.

For instance, assuming investors sell their securities before maturity, there could be gains or losses due to the difference between the purchase price and sale price. Investors receive the face value of the bond assuming that it's held to maturity, but on the off chance that it's sold beforehand, the selling price will probably be different from the face value.

In any case, fixed income securities typically offer more stability of principal than other investments. Corporate bonds are more probable than other corporate investments to be repaid in the event that a company declares bankruptcy. For instance, in the event that a company is facing bankruptcy and must liquidate its assets, bondholders will be repaid before common stockholders.

The U.S. Treasury guarantees government fixed-income securities and thought about safe-sanctuary investments in times of economic uncertainty. Then again, corporate bonds are backed by the financial viability of the company. In short, corporate bonds have a higher risk of default than government bonds. Default is the disappointment of a debt issuer to follow through with their interest payments and principal payments to investors or bondholders.

Fixed-income securities are effortlessly traded through a broker and are likewise accessible in mutual funds and exchange-traded funds. Mutual funds and ETFs contain a blend of numerous securities in their funds so investors can buy into many types of bonds or equities.


  • Fixed-income securities provide steady interest income to investors throughout the life of the bond

  • Fixed-income securities are rated by credit rating agencies allowing investors to choose bonds from financially-stable issuers

  • Although stock prices can fluctuate wildly over time, fixed-income securities usually have less price volatility risk

  • Fixed-income securities such as U.S. Treasuries are guaranteed by the government providing a safe return for investors


  • Fixed-income securities have credit risk meaning the issuer can default on making the interest payments or paying back the principal

  • Fixed-income securities typically pay a lower rate of return than other investments such as equities

  • Inflation risk can be an issue if prices rise by a faster rate than the interest rate on the fixed-income security

  • If interest rates rise at a faster rate than the rate on a fixed-income security, investors lose out by holding the lower yielding security

## Risks of Fixed-Income Securities

Although there are many benefits to fixed-income securities and are often viewed as safe and stable investments, there are a few risks associated with them. Investors must gauge the advantages and disadvantages of before investing in fixed-income securities.

Investing in fixed-income securities as a rule results in low returns and slow capital appreciation or price increases. The principal amount invested can be tied up for quite a while, particularly on account of long-term bonds with maturities greater than 10 years. As a result, investors don't approach the cash and may take a loss in the event that they need the money and cash in their bonds early. Likewise, since fixed-income products can often pay a lower return than equities, there's the opportunity of lost income.

Fixed-income securities have interest rate risk meaning the rate paid by the security could be lower than interest rates in the overall market. For instance, an investor that purchased a bond paying 2% each year might miss out assuming that interest rates rise more than the years to 4%. Fixed-income securities give a fixed interest payment paying little heed to where interest rates move during the life of the bond. On the off chance that rates rise, existing bondholders might miss out on the higher rates.

Bonds issued by a high-risk company may not be repaid, resulting in loss of principal and interest. All bonds have credit risk or default risk associated with them since the securities are tied to the issuer's financial viability. Assuming the company or government struggles financially, investors are at risk of default on the security. Investing in international bonds can increase the risk of default assuming that the country is economically or politically unstable.

Inflation disintegrates the return on fixed-rate bonds. Inflation is an overall measure of rising prices in the economy. Since the interest rate paid on most bonds is fixed for the life of the bond, inflation risk can be an issue on the off chance that prices rise by a faster rate than the interest rate on the bond. In the event that a bond pays 2% and inflation is rising by 4%, the bondholder is losing money while factoring in the rise in prices of goods in the economy. In a perfect world, investors want fixed-income security that pays a sufficiently high interest rate that the return beats out inflation.

Real World Examples of Fixed-Income Securities

As mentioned before, Treasury bonds are long-term bonds with a maturity of 30 years. T-Bonds give semiannual interest payments and normally have $1,000 face values. The 30-year Treasury bond that was issued March 15, 2019, paid a rate of 3.00%. In other words, investors would be paid 3.00% or $30 on their $1,000 investment every year. The $1,000 principal would be paid back in 30 years.

Then again, the 10-year Treasury note that was issued March 15, 2019, paid a rate of 2.625%. The bond likewise pays semiannual interest payments at fixed coupon rates and as a rule has a $1,000 face value. Each bond would pay $26.25 each year until maturity.

We can see that the shorter term bond pays a lower rate than the long-term bond since investors demand a higher rate assuming their money will be tied up longer in longer-term fixed-income security.


  • Bonds are the most common type of fixed-income security, but others incorporate CDs, money markets, and preferred shares.
  • Not all bonds are created equivalent. In other words, different bonds have different terms as well as credit ratings assigned to them in view of the financial viability of the issuer.
  • Fixed-Income security furnishes investors with a stream of fixed periodic interest payments and the eventual return of principal upon its maturity.
  • The U.S. Treasury guarantees government fixed-income securities, making these exceptionally low risk, but additionally relatively low-return investments.