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Forward Start Option

Forward Start Option

What Is a Forward Start Option?

A forward start option is a exotic option that is purchased and paid until further notice yet becomes active later with a [strike) still up in the air around then. The enactment date, expiration date, and underlying asset are fixed at the hour of purchase.

Grasping the Forward Start Option

At commencement, a forward start option contract explains every one of the defined qualities pertinent to the option, with the exception of its strike price. The expiration date, underlying asset, size, and initiation date are set at the time the contract is drawn up.

The main obscure for the contract is the strike price. In terms of pricing the contract, the future price of the underlying asset is additionally obscure. The contract typically specifies a few boundaries for where the strike price will be comparable to the underlying asset's price. For instance, individuals buying/selling the option could determine that the strike will be at the money (ATM) at actuation, or 3% or 5% in the money (ITM) or out of the money (OTM). Since it is a tweaked contract, they can haggle any terms they need.

Forward start options typically endeavor to keep future strike prices ATM or [near the money](/close the-money). Along these lines, the holder will have the right, yet not the obligation, to buy (call) or sell (put) the underlying asset in the future at or close to the then-current market price. Knowing where the strike price will be according to the underlying's price makes it more straightforward to think of the premium (cost) of the option, which is not entirely set in stone and paid at the commencement of the contract prior to the enactment date.

Employee stock options are a type of forward start option. Here, the company commits to conceding ATM options to employees without understanding what the stock price will be from now on.

If, at the expiration date, the underlying trades below the strike price of the option (for a call), then, at that point, it lapses worthless. On the other hand, in the event that the underlying is over the strike (for a call), the holder exercises it and claims the underlying at the strike price. For a put option, the contrary applies. In the event that the underlying is below the strike price, the option has value and will be sold or exercised to understand a gain. On the off chance that the underlying is over the strike price, the option will lapse worthless.

Typically, likewise with most options, the holder might sell the option on the off chance that it is ITM and take the cash as opposed to practicing the option. Since it is an exotic option, the seller and buyer of the option may likewise consent to settle the option with cash as opposed to conveying the underlying.

A forward start option is valued like a vanilla option when it becomes active (strike price is set).


A group of successive forward start options is called a ratchet option or cliquet option. In this example, the primary forward start option is active right away, and each successive forward start option becomes active when the previous one terminates.

At the point when the main option in the series develops, the next option becomes active as it gets its strike price. If toward the finish of the next settlement the underlying trades over the new strike (for a call), the holder might choose to receive the difference between the price of the underlying and the strike, or exercise the option and receive the underlying.

Illustration of a Forward Start Option

Forward start options are exotic and subsequently modified by individuals who trade them. Since they are not listed on a exchange, a speculative model is required for show purposes.

Expect that two gatherings consent to go into a call forward start option on Netflix Inc. stock. It is September and they concur that the forward start option will initiate on January 1 ATM. That means on January 1 the strike price for the option will be the price that Netflix stock is trading at on that day. The option will terminate in June.

The specific strike price is obscure, yet the gatherings in all actuality do know the strike and underlying's price will be something very similar at enactment. They can take a gander at current half year options (January to June) and evaluate volatility to decide a premium for the option.

Eventually, they consent to trade one contract, equivalent to 100 shares of the underlying stock, on a premium of $40, or $4,000 for the contract ($40 x 100 shares). The call buyer consents to pay the $4,000 now (September), even however the option doesn't enact till January.

On January 1, expect the stock price is $400. The strike is set at $400, and the option is presently a vanilla option with a June expiry.

At the June expiry, expect Netflix is trading at $420. In this case, the option is worth $20 ($420 - $400 strike). Assuming they settle in cash, the buyer receives $2,000. On the other hand, in the event that they exercise, they receive 100 shares at $400 and can keep them, or sell them at $420 to make $2,000. Notice that this actually brings about a loss for the buyer, since they paid $4,000 however are just getting back $2,000.

To settle on money on the decision, the price of the underlying necessities to move over the strike price plus the premium. Hence, assuming that the price climbs to $450 by expiration, the option is worth $50 ($450 - $400 strike), and the buyer receives $5,000. That is a net profit of $1,000 more than their $4,000 cost.

If, then again, the underlying is trading below the $400 strike at expiry, the call option terminates worthless and the buyer's premium is lost, coming about in a $4,000 profit to the seller.


  • A series of forward start options is called a ratchet or cliquet.
  • All boundaries are set for the forward option at inception (not enactment) aside from the strike price.
  • A forward strike option is an exotic option like a vanilla option, with the exception of the forward start option doesn't enact until eventually and the strike price is obscure when the option is bought.
  • When the option enacts and its strike is set, the option is valued similarly as a vanilla option.
  • The strike price is obscure at inception however is typically set to be at or close to the money when the option actuates.