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Index Arbitrage

Index Arbitrage

What Is Index Arbitrage?

Index arbitrage is a trading strategy that endeavors to profit from the price differences between at least two market indexes. This should be possible in quite a few different ways, contingent upon where the price error starts. It could be arbitrage between a similar index traded on two distinct exchanges, or it very well might be arbitrage between two indexes that have a standard relative value that has briefly wandered from its standard. It can likewise be arbitrage between the instruments that track the index (for example index ETFs or options), and the parts that make up the index.

Understanding Index Arbitrage

The strategy of index arbitrage is executed by buying the relatively lower-priced security and selling the higher-priced security with an expectation that the two prices will eventually match in the future (or be equivalent).

Index arbitrage is at the core of program trading, where PCs monitor millisecond-changes between different securities and naturally enter buy or sell orders to take advantage of the differences that (hypothetically) shouldn't exist. It is a high-speed, electronic trading process that is all the more frequently sought after by major financial institutions on the grounds that the opportunities are frequently passing and razor-slender.

The Role of Arbitrage in Markets

All markets function to unite buyers and sellers to set prices. This action is known as price discovery. Arbitrage could hint repulsive dealings used to take advantage of the market, yet it really keeps the market in line.

For instance, on the off chance that news spurs interest for a futures contract, however short-term traders overplay it, then, at that point, the index doesn't move. In this way, the futures contract becomes overvalued. Arbitrageurs rapidly sell the futures and buy the cash to align their relationship back.

Arbitrage is definitely not an exclusive activity of the financial markets. Retailers can likewise find heaps of goods offered at low prices by a provider and pivot to sell them to customers. Here, the provider might have overstock or loss of storage space requiring the discounted sale. In any case, the term "arbitrage" is generally associated with the trading of securities and relates assets.

Index Fair Value

In the futures market, fair value is the equilibrium price for a futures contract. This is equivalent to the cash, or spot price, subsequent to considering accumulated interest and dividends lost on the grounds that the investor claims the futures contract, as opposed to the physical stock itself, over a specific period.

A future contract's fair value is the amount at which the security ought to trade. The spread between this value — called the basis or basis spread — is where index arbitrage becomes possibly the most important factor.

Fair value can show the difference between the futures price and what it would cost to claim all stocks in a specific index. For instance, the formula for the fair value on the S&P futures contract is:

(Fair value = cash * {1+r(x/360)} - dividends)


  • Cash is the current S&P cash value.
  • R is the current interest rate that would be paid to a broker to buy every one of the stocks in the S&P 500 index.
  • Dividends are the total dividends paid until futures contract expiration communicated in terms of points on the S&P contract.

Instances of Index Arbitrage

The S&P 500

One of the more notable instances of this trading strategy incorporates endeavoring to capture the difference between where the S&P 500 futures are trading and the distributed prices of the S&P 500 Index itself. The S&P 500 Index arbitrage is frequently called basis trading. The basis is the spread among cash and futures market prices.

The hypothetical price of this index ought to be accurate when totaled as a capitalization-weighted calculation of every one of the 500 stocks in the index. Any difference between that number, in real-time, and the futures trading price, ought to address an opportunity. In the event that the parts were less expensive, executing a buy order on every one of the 500 stocks immediately and selling the equivalent amount of higher-priced futures contracts ought to yield a risk-free transaction.

Normally, such a strategy would take critical capital, high-speed trading, and practically zero commissions or different costs. Given these factors, such a strategy is bound to be profitable when executed by large-scale banking and brokerage operations. Such institutions can execute large trades nevertheless bring in money on tiny differences. The more parts of the index, the greater the possibilities of some of them being mispriced, and the greater the opportunities for arbitrage. Consequently, arbitrage on an index of just a couple of stocks is less inclined to give huge opportunities.

Exchange-Traded Funds

Traders can likewise utilize arbitrage strategies on exchange-traded funds (ETFs) similarly. Since most ETFs don't trade as actively as major stock index futures, opportunities for arbitrage are ample. ETFs are sometimes subject to major market separations, even however the prices of the underlying part stocks stay stable.

Trading activity on Aug. 24, 2015, offered an extreme case where a large drop in the stock market caused whimsical bid and ask prices for some stocks, including ETF parts. The lack of liquidity and postponements to the beginning of trading for these stocks was dangerous for the specific calculation of ETF prices. This postpone made extreme gyrations and arbitrage opportunities.


  • This sort of arbitrage is most frequently employed by large financial institutions with the resources important to capture many momentary differences.
  • The job of this arbitrage is that it keeps markets synchronized on price all through the trading session.
  • Opportunities for arbitrage might be millisecond differences.
  • Index arbitrage is a trading strategy endeavors to profit from differences between at least one variants of an index, or between an index and its parts.