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Net Operating Income (NOI)

Net Operating Income (NOI)

What Is Net Operating Income (NOI)?

Net operating income (NOI) is a calculation used to investigate the profitability of income-producing real estate investments. NOI equals all revenue from the property, minus all sensibly vital operating expenses.

NOI is a before-tax figure, showing up on a property's income and cash flow statement, that rejects principal and interest payments on loans, capital expenditures, depreciation, and amortization. At the point when this measurement is utilized in different industries, it is referred to as "EBIT," which means "earnings before interest and taxes."

Figuring out Net Operating Income (NOI)

Net operating income is a valuation method utilized by real estate experts to decide the exact value of their income-delivering properties. To work out NOI, the property's operating expenses must be deducted from the income a property produces.

Notwithstanding rental income, a property could likewise generate revenue from conveniences like parking structures, candy machines, and clothing facilities. Operating expenses incorporate the costs of running and keeping up with the building, including insurance premiums, legal fees, utilities, property taxes, repair costs, and janitorial fees. [Capital expenditures](/capitalexpenditure, for example, costs for another cooling system for the whole building, are excluded from the calculation.

NOI assists real estate investors with deciding the capitalization rate, which thusly assists them with computing a property's value, consequently permitting them to compare different properties they might be thinking about buying or selling.

For financed properties, NOI is likewise utilized in the debt coverage ratio (DCR), which tells lenders and investors whether a property's income covers its operating expenses and debt payments. NOI is additionally used to compute the net income multiplier, cash return on investment, and total return on investment.

Step by step instructions to Calculate Net Operating Income (NOI)

To compute net operating income, deduct operating expenses from the revenue generated by a property. Revenue from real estate incorporates rental income, parking fees, service changes, candy machines, clothing machines, etc.

Operating expenses incorporate every one of the costs associated with operating the property. These incorporate property management fees, insurance, utilities, property taxes, repairs, and maintenance.

Net Operating Income (NOI) Formula

Net operating income=RR−OEwhere:RR=real estate revenueOE=operating expenses\begin &\text = RR - OE \ &\textbf\ &RR=\text\ &OE=\text\ \end
For instance, let's expect the below data was the profile of a specific condo building that an owner was renting out.


  • Rental income: $20,000
  • Parking fees: $5,000
  • Clothing machines: $1,000

Total Revenues = $26,000

Presently, let's accept the operating expenses of the condo building are as per the following:

Operating Expenses:

  • Property management fees: $1,000
  • Property taxes: $5,000
  • Repair and maintenance: $3,000
  • Insurance: $1,000

Total Operating Expenses = $10,000

The net operating income (NOI) in this model would be $26,000 - $10,000 = $16,000.

Illustration of Net Operating Income (NOI)

Let us expect that you own a property that yearly pulls in $120,000 in revenues and causes $80,000 in operating expenses. In this situation, it will have a subsequent NOI of $40,000 ($120,000 - $80,000). On the off chance that the total is negative, where operating expenses are higher than revenues, the outcome is called a net operating loss (NOL).

Creditors and commercial lenders depend intensely on NOI to decide the income generation capability of the property to be mortgaged, even more than they factor a financial backer's credit history into their choices. Basically: this measurement assists lenders with fundamentally surveying the initial value of the property by forecasting its cash flows.

NOI is utilized to decide the capitalization rate of a property, otherwise called the return on investment (ROI) in real estate. It partitions NOI by the purchase price.

In the event that a property is considered productive, the lenders likewise utilize this figure to decide the size of the loan they're willing to make. Then again, on the off chance that the property shows a net operating loss, lenders are probably going to dismiss the borrower's mortgage application, outright.

Property owners can control their operating expenses by deferring certain expenses while speeding up others. NOI can likewise be increased by raising rents and different fees, while at the same time decreasing sensibly important operating expenses.

To act as an illustration of the last option, consider a scenario where a loft owner defers an occupant's yearly $12,000 rent, in exchange for that renter going about as a property manager. On the off chance that the condo owner would ordinarily pay a building manager a $30,000 salary, they may thus deduct the "sensibly essential" cost of $30,000 from revenue, instead of the genuine cost of $12,000.

Net Operating Income (NOI) Formula FAQs

What is the formula for working out NOI?

The formula for working out NOI is as per the following:

  • NOI = real estate revenue - operating expenses

How would you work out net operating income (NOI) before tax?

NOI is a before-tax calculation in that it doesn't think about tax.

What is the difference between net income and net operating income (NOI)?

Net operating income is revenue less all operating expenses while net income is revenue less all expenses, including operating expenses and non-operating expenses, like taxes.

What is a decent net operating income (NOI) percentage?

NOI isn't a percentage yet rather a number that thinks about the revenues and expenses of a property. It tends to be compared to the whole value of the property assuming that property had been paid completely in cash. In this case, the higher the net operating income to property price percentage, the better.

The Bottom Line

Net operating income (NOI) is an ordinarily utilized figure to survey the profitability of a property. The calculation includes deducting all operating expenses on the property from all the revenue generated from the property. The higher the revenues and the more modest the expenses, the more productive a property is. This tells the owner in the event that the income generated from purchasing and it is worth the cost to keep up with the property.


  • Net operating income measures an income-delivering property's profitability before adding in any costs from financing or taxes.
  • NOI will demonstrate to a property owner in the event that renting a property is worth the expense of purchasing and keeping up with it.
  • To compute NOI, deduct all operating expenses incurred on a property from all revenue generated on the property.
  • The operating expenses utilized in the NOI metric can be controlled if a property owner concedes or accelerates certain income or expense things.
  • The NOI metric does exclude capital expenditures.