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Statutory Reserves

Statutory Reserves

What Are Statutory Reserves?

Statutory reserves are the funds that state insurance regulators require the insurance companies operating in their state to keep up with at some random time. The purpose of statutory reserves is to assist with guaranteeing that insurance companies have adequate liquidity available to respect all of the authentic claims made by their policyholders.

Figuring out Statutory Reserves

The McCarran-Ferguson Act, passed by Congress in 1945, gave states the authority to direct insurance companies. To carry on with work in a state, every insurer must be licensed by the state's insurance department and maintain its rules. Among those rules is how much money an insurer must keep in reserve to ensure that paying its future claims will be able.

Insurance companies collect insurance premiums from their customers and afterward invest those premiums in their general account to produce a return on investment (ROI). In theory, insurers may be enticed to invest an exceptionally large fraction of the premiums they collect to boost their return. Nonetheless, doing so could leave them with deficient cash close by to fulfill the claims made by their customers.

To keep this from occurring, state insurance regulators uphold least levels of liquidity that insurance companies must keep up with. These statutory reserves can either be held in cash, or in readily marketable securities that can be changed over into cash dependably and on short notice.

Statutory reserves apply to a scope of insurance products, including life insurance, medical coverage, property and casualty insurance, long-term care insurance, and annuity contracts. The requirements can differ starting with one state then onto the next and as per the type of insurance product.

Statutory Reserves Methods

In setting the level of statutory reserves, state insurance regulators utilize two fundamental approaches.

Rules-Based Approach

The first of these is a rules-based approach, in which insurers are informed the amount of their premiums they must keep in reserve in light of normalized equations and suppositions.

Standards Based Approach

The subsequent approach, known as the standards based approach, offers insurers greater slack in setting their reserves. In particular, it permits them to set reserves in light of their own experience, for example, the actuarial statistics and past claims behavior of their own customers, given that they are as large or larger than the reserves stipulated under the rules-based approach.


At the point when an insurance company decides to keep reserves that are in excess of the base amount required under the rules-based approach, these are alluded to as non-statutory or voluntary reserves.

No matter what the approach used to work out them, statutory reserves will generally make insurance companies miss out on a few likely profits. Notwithstanding, they benefit the insurance markets as a whole by making insurance customers more certain that their insurers will actually want to endure troublesome economic conditions and stand behind their policies.

Illustration of Statutory Reserves

Think about the case of XYZ Insurance. As per the statutory reserve requirements of its state insurance regulator, XYZ would be required to keep $50 million in reserve in light of the rules-based approach. Notwithstanding, in the wake of thinking about the competitive scene in its state and exploring the past performance of its insurance portfolio, XYZ chose to utilize the standards based approach and set its statutory reserves over the base required level.

Albeit the extra reserves would probably cost it in terms of lost investment income, XYZ contemplated that this more conservative approach would reinforce its picture as a responsible insurer and make it strategically set up to explore any potential recession or other economic headwinds.


  • Insurance companies are free to set their statutory reserves over the base level, utilizing a standards based approach.
  • They are commanded under state insurance regulations.
  • Statutory reserves are the base amounts of cash and promptly marketable securities that insurance companies must hold.