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Euler's Constant

Euler's Constant

What Is Euler's Number?

Euler's number is a mathematical articulation for the base of the natural logarithm. It is generally addressed by the letter e and is normally utilized in issues connecting with exponential growth or decay.

One more method for interpretting Euler's number is as the base for an exponential function whose value is generally equivalent to its derivative. At the end of the day, e is the main conceivable number to such an extent that ex increments at a rate of ex for each conceivable x.

It Euler's Number to Understand

Albeit normally associated with Leonhard Euler, the steady was first found in 1683 by the mathematician Jacob Bernoulli. Bernoulli was attempting to decide how wealth would develop assuming that interest were compounded more regularly, rather than on an annual basis.

Envision lending money at a 100% interest rate, compounded consistently. Following one year, your money would double. However, imagine a scenario where the interest rate were cut in half, and compounded two times as frequently. At half like clockwork, your money would develop by 225% in one year. As the interval gets smaller, the total returns get marginally higher. That's what bernoulli found in the event that interest is calculated n times each year, at a rate of 100%/n, the total accreted wealth toward the finish of the primary year would be marginally greater than 2.7 times the initial investment assuming n is adequately large.

Nonetheless, the key work encompassing the steady was not performed until several decades after the fact, by Leonhard Euler. In his Introductio in Analysin Infinitorum (1748), Euler proved that the steady was an irrational number, whose digits could never repeat. He likewise proved that the consistent can be addressed as an endless sum of inverse factorials:
e=1+11+12+11Ă—2Ă—3+11Ă—2Ă—3Ă—4+...+1n!e = 1 + \frac{ 1 }{ 1 } + \frac { 1 }{ 2 } + \frac { 1 }{ 1 \times 2 \times 3 } + \frac {1 }{ 1 \times 2 \times 3 \times 4 } + ... + \frac { 1 }{ n! }
Euler utilized the letter e for examples, however the letter is presently widely associated with his name. It is usually utilized in many applications from population growth of living creatures to radioactive decay of heavy elements like uranium by nuclear researchers. It likewise has applications in geometry, likelihood, and different areas of applied science.


The main digits of Euler's number are 2.71828..., albeit the number itself is a non-ending series that continues perpetually, similar to pi (3.1415...).

Euler's Number in Finance: Compound Interest

Compound interest has been hailed as a "wonder" of finance, by which interest is credited initial amounts invested or saved, yet in addition on previous interest received. Continuously compounding interest is accomplished when interest is reinvested over a limitlessly small unit of time — and keeping in mind that this is basically unthinkable in reality, this concept is critical for understanding the behavior of various types of financial instruments from bonds to derivatives contracts.

Compound interest in this manner is likened to exponential growth, and is communicated by the accompanying formula:
FV=PVertwhere:FV=Future valuePV=Present value of balance or sume=Euler’s constantr=Interest rate being compoundedt=Time in years\begin&\text = \text e ^ \&\textbf \&\text = \text \&\text = \text \&e = \text{Euler's constant} \&r = \text \&t = \text \\end
Hence, assuming that you had $1,000 paying 2% interest with continuous compounding, following 3 years you would have:
$1,000Ă—2.71828(.02Ă—3)=$1,061.84$1,000 \times 2.71828 ^ { ( .02 \times 3 ) } = $1,061.84
Note that this amount is greater than if the compounding period were a discrete period, say consistently. In this case, the amount of interest would be computed in an unexpected way: FV = PV(1+r/n)nt, where n is the number of compounding periods in a year (in this case 12):
$1,000(1+.0212)12Ă—3=$1,061.78$1,000 \Big ( 1 + \frac { 12 } \Big ) ^ { 12 \times 3 } = $1,061.78
Here, the difference is just a question of a couple of pennies, however as our sums get larger, interest rates get higher, and the amount of time gets longer, continuous compounding utilizing Euler's consistent turns out to be increasingly more important relative to discrete compounding.

Euler's number (e) ought not be mistaken for Euler's steady, indicated by the lower case gamma (\u03b3). Otherwise called the Euler-Mascheroni steady, the last option is connected with harmonic series and has a value of roughly 0.5772....

The Bottom Line

Euler's number is quite possibly of the main consistent in arithmetic. It every now and again shows up in issues dealing with exponential growth or decay, where the rate of growth is proportionate to the existing population. In finance, e is likewise utilized in computations of compound interest, where wealth develops at a set rate after some time.

Rectification December 5, 2021: A previous rendition of this article erroneously conflated Euler's number with Euler's steady.


  • An irrational number meant by e, Euler's number is 2.71828..., where the digits continue everlastingly in a series that goes on and on forever or repeats (like pi).
  • In finance, Euler's number is utilized to compute how wealth can develop due to compound interest.
  • Euler's number is utilized in all that from clearing up exponential growth for radioactive decay.
  • Euler's number is an important consistent that is found in numerous specific circumstances and is the base for natural logarithms.


Why Is Euler's Number Important?

Euler's number every now and again shows up in issues connected with growth or decay, where the rate of not set in stone by the current value of the number being estimated. One model is in science, where bacterial populations are expected to double at solid intervals. Another case is radiometric dating, where the number of radioactive particles is expected to decline over the fixed half-life of the element being estimated.

What Is Euler's Number Exactly?

To put it basically, Euler's number is the base of an exponential function whose rate of growth is generally proportionate to its current value. The exponential function ex consistently develops at a rate of ex, a feature that isn't true of different bases and one that unfathomably works on the algebra encompassing types and logarithms. This number is irrational, with a value of roughly 2.71828....

How Is Euler's Number Used in Finance?

Euler's number shows up in issues connected with compound interest. Whenever an investment offers a fixed interest rate throughout some stretch of time, the future value of that investment can undoubtedly be calculated in terms of e.