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Steady Default Rate (CDR)

Constant Default Rate (CDR)

What Is the Constant Default Rate (CDR)?

The steady default rate (CDR) is the percentage of mortgages inside a pool of loans wherein the mortgagors (borrowers) have fallen over 90 days behind in making payments to their lenders. These pools of individual outstanding mortgages are made by financial institutions that join different loans to make mortgage-backed securities (MBS), which they sell to investors.

How Is the Constant Default Rate (CDR) Used by Investors?

The steady default rate (CDR) assesses losses inside mortgage-backed securities. The CDR is calculated consistently and is one of several measures that those investors take a gander at to place a market value on a MBS. The method of analysis stressing the CDR can be utilized for adjustable-rate mortgages as well as fixed-rate mortgages.

Steady Default Rate (CDR) Formula and Calculation

The CDR can be communicated as a formula:
CDR=1(1DNDP)nwhere:D=Amount of new defaults during the periodNDP=Non-defaulted pool balance at thebeginning of the periodn=Number of periods per year\begin &\text = 1 - \left ( 1 - \frac{ \text }{ \text } \right ) ^n \ &\textbf \ &\text = \text \ &\text = \text \ &\text \ &n = \text \ \end
The steady default rate (CDR) is calculated as follows:

  1. Take the number of new defaults during a period and gap by the non-defaulted pool balance toward the beginning of that period.
  2. Take 1 less the outcome from no. 1.
  3. Raise that the outcome from no. 2 to the power in view of the number of periods in the year.
  4. Lastly 1 less the outcome from no. 3.

It ought to be noted, however, that the consistent default rate (CDR's) formula can change to some degree. A few analysts likewise incorporate the scheduled payment and prepayment sums.

Models Using the Constant Default Rate (CDR)

Gargantua Bank has pooled residential mortgages on houses situated across the U.S. into a mortgage-backed security. Gargantua's Director of Institutional Sales approaches portfolio managers at the Trustworthy Investment Company with the expectation that Trustworthy will purchase a MBS to add to its portfolios that hold these types of securities.

After a meeting among Gargantua and his firm's investment team, one of Trustworthy's research analysts compares the CDR of Gargantua's MBS with that of a correspondingly rated MBS that another firm is offering to sell to Trustworthy. The analyst reports to his bosses that the CDR for Gargantua's MBS is fundamentally higher than that of the contender's issue and he suggests that Trustworthy request a lower price from Gargantua to offset the less fortunate credit quality of the underlying mortgages in the pool.

Or on the other hand consider Bank ABC, which saw $1 million in new defaults for the fourth quarter of 2019. Toward the finish of 2018, the bank's non-defaulted pool balance was $100 million. In this way, the consistent default rate (CDR) is 4%, or:
1(1$1 million$100 million)4\begin &1 - \left ( 1 - \frac{ $1 \text }{ $100 \text } \right ) ^4 \ \end

Special Considerations

As well as considering the steady default rate (CDR), analysts may likewise take a gander at the cumulative default rate (CDX), which mirrors the total value of defaults inside the pool, as opposed to an annualized month to month rate. Analysts and market participants are probably going to place a higher value on mortgage-backed security that has a low CDR and CDX than on one with a higher rate of defaults.

One more method for assessing losses is the Standard Default Assumption (SDA) model made by the Bond Market Association. Nonetheless, this calculation is best fit to 30-year fixed-rate mortgages. During the subprime meltdown of 2007-2008, the SDA model boundlessly misjudged the true default rate even as the number of abandonments hit multi-decade highs.


  • The CDR is a measure used to dissect losses inside mortgage-backed securities.
  • The CDR is certainly not a standardized formula and can fluctuate, some of the time including scheduled payments and prepayment sums.
  • The consistent default rate (CDR) alludes to the percentage of mortgages inside a pool of loans for which the mortgagors have fallen over 90 days behind.