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Convertible Hedge

Convertible Hedge

What Is a Convertible Hedge?

A convertible hedge is a trading strategy that comprises of taking a long position in a company's convertible bond (or debenture), and a simultaneous short position in the amount of the conversion ratio in the underlying common shares. The convertible hedge strategy is intended to be market neutral while generating a higher yield than would be gotten by just holding the convertible bond or debenture alone.

A key requirement of this strategy is that the number of shares sold short must rise to the number of shares that would be acquired by changing over the bond or debenture (known as the conversion ratio).

Figuring out Convertible Hedges

Convertible hedges are frequently utilized by hedge fund managers and investment experts. The rationale for the convertible hedge strategy is as per the following: if the stock trades flat or on the other hand in the event that little has changed, the investor receives interest from the convertible. On the off chance that the stock falls, the short position gains while the bond will probably fall, yet the investor actually receives interest from the bond. In the event that the stock ascents, the bond gains, the short stock position loses, yet the investor actually receives the bond interest.

The strategy nets out the effects of the stock price movement. It additionally diminishes the cost base of the trade. At the point when an investor makes a short sale, the proceeds from that sale are moved into the investor's account. This increase in cash briefly (until the stock is bought back) offsets a significant part of the cost of the bond, expanding the yield.


For instance, in the event that an investor purchases $100,000 worth of bonds and shorts $80,000 worth of stock, the account will just show a $20,000 reduction in capital. In this manner, the interest earned on the bond is calculated against the $20,000 rather than the $100,000 cost of the bond. The yield is increased five-overlap.

Things to Watch for In a Convertible Hedge

In theory, the investor ought to receive interest on cash received from a short sale which is presently sitting in their account. In reality, this doesn't occur for retail investors. Brokers typically don't pay interest on monies received from the short sale, which would additionally support returns. As a matter of fact, there is typically a cost to the retail investor for shorting if the margin is utilized. On the off chance that the margin is utilized (and a margin account is required for shorting) the investor will pay interest on the funds borrowed to start the short position. This can cut into the returns gained from bond interest.

While it sounds tempting to increase the yield essentially, it is important to recall that the short sale proceeds are not the investors. The cash is in the account because of the short sale yet a vacant position must be closed eventually. The strategy is typically closed when the bond is changed over. The changed over bond gives the very amount of shares that were already shortly, and the whole position is closed and wrapped up.

Large corporations, hedge funds, and other financial institutions not trading in a retail setting can probably earn interest on the proceeds from a short sale or can arrange a [short-sale rebate](/stock-credit rebate). This can increase the return of the overall strategy, as then the investor is getting interest on the bond plus interest on the increased cash balance from the short sale of stock (less any fees and interest payments on margin balances).

An investor must be sure that the hedge will function according to plan. This means twofold checking the call features on the convertible bond, verifying that there are no dividend issues, and ensuring the responsible company itself has a solid history of paying interest on its debt. Stocks that pay dividends can hurt this strategy on the grounds that the short seller is responsible for paying dividends which will eat into the returns generated by this strategy.

Illustration of a Convertible Hedge on a Stock

Joan is searching for income. She purchases a convertible bond issued by XYZ Corp. for $1000. It pays 6.5% and changes over into 100 shares. The bond pays $65 in interest each year.

To increase the yield on her investment, Joan shorts 100 shares of XYZ (in light of the fact that this is the conversion amount of the bond), which is trading at $6 per share. The short sale nets her $600, implying that Joan's total cost for the investment sits at $400 ($1000 - $600) and her return is still $65 in interest. Utilizing the new cost of investment, the return is presently 16.25%.

Joan is protecting that rate of return. Assuming that the stock trades lower, the short stock position will be productive, offsetting any decline in the price of the convertible bond or debenture. On the other hand, in the event that the stock appreciates, the loss on the short position would be offset by the gain in the convertible security. There are different factors to consider, like potential margin requirements and the cost of the borrowing as well as shorting fees charged by the broker.


  • A convertible hedge offsets the underlying stock price movements while purchasing a convertible debt security.
  • A convertible hedge secures in a return and is loosened up when the debt security is changed over completely to stock to offset the short stock position.
  • A convertible hedge is made by buying a convertible debt security and afterward shorting the conversion amount of stock.